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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Taming the Jungle

We did so much this weekend, I had to spread out our progress over multiple posts.  It's great to be so productive.

While I was cleaning/sanding/painting, Joey was outside with the chain saw, taming the jungle.  Or at least starting to.  We have approximately 1/2 acre of property, but a good chunk of that is covered with forest.  Behind our house, there is a hill, covered with ivy, that leads up into the woods where there are lots of big trees, but also tons of little ones that have just sprouted up.  Someday, we'd like to be able to walk around up there, maybe clear it out and put a little fire pit? Eh?? But for now, we are in the beginning process of just cutting sh*t down.

So, enter Joey with chainsaw.

Here is the "before " picture I took before I left to run errands. (And don't think my heart didn't skip a beat when I heard sirens while I was out and about.)

After a long day of door painting, 2 runs to the dump, alot of sweating and getting stuck in the hands with thorns,  here is the same spot:

It might not look like much, but this is progress!


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