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Monday, October 1, 2012

Making Decisions the Blogger Way...

Time to make another big decision! So I'm coming to you, my readers, for advice.

I need you to take a look a the three choices below, and then vote in the poll on what color we should paint our front door. 

Please note, this is only for fun, as per the below conversation I'm pretty sure my mind has already been made up for me.

Gish, Sarah
i'm excited about painting the front door
i wish we could paint it another color
i think a deep purple would look really nice
very deep, not OMG PURPLE
you better hurry up and say something before i make up my mind that we're painting the front door purple

Gish, Joseph (Joe)
I'd light it on fire and make you build us a new door from the trees I cut down in the back yard

Gish, Sarah
i think you should look at photos of other houses. i think it would look really nice
deep dark purple
not what you think when you hear the word "purple"

Gish, Joseph (Joe)
I don't care what color purple
the shutters are green, I refuse to have a purple door

......So you can imagine how it went when I brought up the idea of having a red front door...........

Anyway, without further ado, here are your choices:

A) Red

B.) Purple

C.) Green

D.) White (the way it already is)




  1. I like both the red and green options. But all of them will look good, I think. :) Good luck!

  2. Red or Green. (Kinda partial to red doors!) I'm with Joey though, not purple. Julie might disagree though.
