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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Invitation Procrastination

So there’s an issue that’s been weighing on my mind for a while so I figured I’d just put it all out there on this blog, in hopes that my “readers” would understand… (not that I think I have loyal followers, but hey, one can hope!)

Joey and I have been so blessed with the many, many close friends we hold near and dear to us. We are both pretty outgoing people who are involved in several jobs, extra-curriculars, etc. so we are often meeting new friends and becoming close with them over a beer or two (or 10). When it comes to money, we are certainly not poor. We have a modest little apartment but we live well within our means and are extremely thankful for our ability to do so. Unfortunately, we simply can’t afford to have the rip-roarin’ 500 person wedding that we would L-O-V-E.

This has brought on the terrible task of “choosing” who to invite. How stressful! It is so difficult to keep our numbers down when combining two families and a lifetime of friends! I guess I just wanted to put it out there for all to see. We love all of our friends, and if there was a way we could extend an invitation to each and every one of you, we would certainly do it. I have been told time and time again, “they’ll see when they have to plan their own wedding”. But it’s hard to understand when you are completely new to the whole wedding scene… I’m speaking from experience here people!!

So I guess the moral of the story is that Joey and I love each and every one of you. And we would LOVE to party with you at any time. We’re only a phone call away!



Sunday, April 18, 2010

And Then There Were Three

Well, like I said, Joey and I have some big news to share!! You guessed it….

WE GOT A DOG!!!!! (What were YOU thinking?!?!) We’ve been mulling it over for quite a while now, and we finally gave in and rescued a teeny little Miniature Pinscher. He is perfect for our size apartment, and definitely makes up for his tiny stature with his fabulous personality. What’s his name? Doc. No, not as in “what’s up, Doc?” but as in “Doc Holliday” from Joey’s favorite flick, “Tombstone”.

We picked him up on Friday night from a wonderful woman named Patricia in Paris, VA. The world needs more people like her! We stopped at Target to grab a leash and a baby gate (she gave us EVERYTHING else!) and headed home. Joey passed the husband test by successfully installing the baby gate. Phew…
He also managed to spill beer on the dog within an hour of having him home…. Welp, welcome home, Doc. For your viewing pleasure, here are a few photos of Doc in his first few days as a Gish!

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Keeper of Deer...

Saturday started my last half-year as Sarah Davis. Soon I’ll be replacing my Davis shield with a Gish family crest. What does that look like, you ask? Well it’s a good thing I’ve done my research.

According to, “The German surname of GISH is an occupational name for a keeper of deer or a nickname for someone who resembled a deer in some way.” I, of course, find this absolutely hilarious due to the Gishes’ penchant for hunting deer and all other 4-legged creatures. Nobody actually looks like a deer though…

As for updates from Wedding-ville, I spent Easter weekend with my family in PA. Joey couldn’t make it, which opened up some girl time! Saturday morning my sister and I awoke to “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” blaring in the living room. My Mom was up and at ‘em! We grabbed some bagels/coffee and headed out to run some wedding errands! First stop was the Desmond to drop off some things and show Laura the wedding gazebo. Spring is finally here, and the gazebo looks MUCH more inviting than it did this winter when we booked. Thank goodness! Then we stopped at the Wedding Pavilion in Paoli to visit my dress (don’t judge) and so my Mom could try on some MOB (that’s Mother of the Bride) gowns. She looked beautiful in all of them, but we learned what kind of styles and colors look good and she is going to look so elegant and classy! We finished up with a stop at the party store where I had previously seen some napkins that were matchy matchy with our wedding motif. We snatched them up and headed back home to get the house ready for Easter Sunday.

It was lovely to spend the weekend with my family (and dog). We enjoyed church with my Grandmother on Sunday and had a delicious Easter Brunch at our house afterwards with more family. As always, I wished I could stay longer. But work and NOVA were calling! I can’t believe we are 6 months away from our wedding day. I’m looking forward to it so much!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

T-6 MONTHS and Counting!

As of today, April 10th, we are officially 6 months away from the wedding! AHHH! Time to panic! To completely out myself, I had already written today's blog like a week ago, and I proceeded to leave it on my work computer. So I'll be posting that come Monday.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Love, Sarah