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Friday, October 19, 2012

Dog Shaming

So I'm hoping you have all heard of by now.  It's a pretty amazing website.  I always say I'm going to take a pic of Doc or Chloe next time they do something bad and send it in.  But in the heat of the moment, I can never find any paper/markers, and by the time I do, he/she has forgotten what they have done and moved on/ran away.

So, last weekend we had a little incident.

Around 5pm Saturday, my sister got a few text messages from me that read as follows:

Me: Chloe has something to tell you.

Me: It's about your sweatpants.

Me: Picture-->

Me: They are now crotchless.

I was gone for legit 5 MINUTES and this is what happened.  I didn't have time to grab a marker/piece of paper, but I was sure to document it by making her wear the crotchless-pants-of-shame.

Bad dog.

1 comment:

  1. Not that she cares....
    Or remembers....
    Did you say you had a treat?
