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Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday Fun

It's the first day of SPRING!!!!!!!!!! Except it's snowing. But I'm going to LET IT GOOO because it's all going to melt tomorrow and then winter will be gone for good.  See that, winter? I'm not even capitalizing your name because YOU ARE DEAD TO ME.

Now that Spring is finally here (see that, winter? I like Spring.), it's time to break out the pastel colors, open the drapes, CLEAN the dirty dirty house, and put the cushions back on the patio furniture. To say that I'm the least bit excited about temperatures consistently over 45 degrees is an understatement. Bring on the sunshine.

In celebration (ok I admit, this is just an excuse), here are some pictures of Abby that haven't made it to insta or FB that I thought you might like...

Just hangin' in my crib.

Smiling through my paci

Loving my 'saucer

I can hold my own bottle now.
She sits in my bed most mornings while I'm getting ready for work (only when I am in the room, obvi).
Holding on in the car. Daddy was driving.

This one requires an explanation. 1. Yes, Joey makes an incredibly badass salad. 2. Abby likes to sit with us at dinner but she throws every single toy we give her onto the floor.  This is fun for her but not for anyone else.  One night I gave her a little green bowl and it was the only thing she held onto.  Now I just give her a bowl to play with any time I want her to sit still in her high chair.  Could've saved a lot of money on toys if I knew she would just want to play with tableware....
Playing after dinner with her Fisher Price camera that sings annoying songs repeatedly.

 Happy Spring, everyone!!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

7 Months

How many? 7 MONTHS! Somebody hold me!!!!!!

What happened this month? We finished up our Disney trip, had a BUNCH of snow days, and then suddenly the month was over.

Recent Stats  Update: At her 6 month appointment she weighed 17 pounds and was 26.5 inches long.  I'm sure she's more than that now.

Clothes size: Starting to grow out of 6 month size. She still fits in 6 month onesies, but I'm transitioning into all 9 month stuff basically. I cleaned out her cubby at Daycare and took home all the 3-6 month size clothes :(

Diaper size: I'm really trying hard to get through this last pack of size 2s but I don't think I'm going to win. I sent 3s to Daycare and they obviously fit her much better and I think she is more comfortable in them. Oh well. My coworkers started talking about doing a Diaper Drive and the organization accepts opened diapers.  Lucky for them I have 2382890974387 bags in my basement.

Feeding: Big girl eats 3 solid meals a day. Breakfast is oatmeal with some fruit mixed in, lunch at daycare is a pureed veggie, and dinner is either fruit or veggie, or combo of both depending on what I've got in the fridge.  She's between level 1 and 2 foods (still eats both). She still gets 6 ounce bottles every 3 hours or so, but she does not always finish them now.  I have been trying with multiple types of sippy cups but she is not really interested/can't figure out how to drink from them.  Our Ped said when she gets teeth we can start with the puffs.

Speaking of teeth! Her right bottom tooth is FINALLY starting to pop through. I can actually see it.. it has been there for less than a week and it is taking forever.  Funny because my Mom said I was 7 months when my first tooth came in.

This is a pretty standard happening when the camera or phone comes out.
Sleeping: Abby is still a good sleeper.  We have been EXTREMELY blessed. Her naps are still not on an exact schedule, but she is napping 3 times per day- morning, afternoon and evening. If she gets a good long morning nap she will usually have a good day! At night she goes to bed around 8:30 and sleeps until about 5.  She is still waking up sometimes in need of a paci but the other morning I woke up at 4:40 and realized she'd slept right through and SO HAD I.  This was exciting because even though she's slept through the night a bunch of times, I don't think I have since August.  It was a very exciting moment for me. (It's the little things, people.)

Personality: Easy going, not too needy, goes with the flow.  Loves to smile and babble at herself in the mirror.  LOVES her doggies. Wants to pet them and more recently, grab their ears. :-/

-Sitting comfortably
-Not crawling or scooting but will roll all over the place to get something she wants that is out of reach
-Teeth finally starting to come in!
-Holds objects, switches from hand to hand, grasps and picks up toys, etc.
-Working on clapping our hands (she kind of gets it)
-Chatters, babbles, sings, yells, is very vocal, especially at herself in the mirror and/or if she has a toy (or sock) in her mouth
-That's all I can think of at the moment.

Mom's Corner
I was reading about Baby Sign Language and I decided to try it for fun.  I plan on just doing the essential words ("Milk", "Food", "More", "All done" and "Dog").  (The essentials.) I'm not too hell bent on it since she is so easy going but I figure it won't hurt for her to be able to communicate with us.

There was something else I was going to write about and I forgot :( Mommy Brain is real, yo.


Monday, March 2, 2015

A Case of the Mondays...

So I am super proud of myself for getting on our old treadmill and run-walk-running for 90 minutes this weekend.  So I thought I would come here and toot my own horn.

My main goal for the Shamrock Half on March 22nd is to finish the race.  I do not have a time in mind and I am happy that J&R Racing gives a VERY GENEROUS 4 hour time limit.... so there is no stress.  Since I had Abby I have been doing 2:2 intervals and sometimes they even feel too easy, but they are making running long distances enjoyable and attainable for me, therefore I'm going to continue doing it.  I'm not really in it to get a fast time.  I just want the bling. And the free beer.

I was doing great on my training schedule- 2 short runs and 1 long run per week. I had been training for time only and had gotten up to 1 hour when I had to get an ingrown toenail removed.  IT SOUNDS HORRIBLE but I promise it was really not. It was kind of like going to the dentist for your toe (??). The numbing was the worst part but then it was numb so who cares.  It was a lot of stress and googling and worrying for really no reason.

Anyway, I did have to give it a little time to heal although I was a big baby about it and it was so weird because I kept thinking it was going to hurt or be sore and it wasn't. Luckily my Disney Vacation gave me another excuse to skip running and so I took about 2 weeks off. Maybe 3. I'm not really sure.

Last week I looked at the calendar and was like "oh crap". My race is coming up fast and I don't want to hurt myself, embarrass myself, or both. So I jumped on the treadmill and did my 2 short runs and then Saturday came. Drinking a few margs/beers the night before probbbbably didn't help me but I toughed it out. The first 20 minutes really sucked. But after that I just kept telling myself 10 more minutes.  Once I got to an hour I told myself get to an hour and 15.  Then I said an hour 20.  I was super proud of myself and I took some pictures and posted to my local Moms Run This Town group on Facebook. I recently joined the group and I have to say they are all really nice and very supportive. (Note: you need not be a mom to join!)

90 MILES!! WOW!!!!!!!!
In addition to a nice long run this weekend, we went out to dinner with friends on Friday, Abby and I went shopping on Saturday and we did brunch for a friend's birthday and had dinner with Joey's parents on Sunday. I can't believe it is already March. I was just wrapping my head around the fact that Abby is 6 months old already and I realized she will be 7 months in less than two weeks. I can't handle it. Also Joey turns 30 on Friday. Time is flying, people! Let's hope winter gets that memo and flies outta here ASAP....  Make it a good week!!!


PS: A few random pics...

No matter what I buy this kid she just wants to play with/eat her socks.

Me and my girl <3

I-95 selfie!!!!!