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Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Lately I have been thinking about what I should blog about. But lately I've had nothing to say. I mean, how many times can I repeat that we are totally immersed in our new house and how I can't even list the projects we do on a daily basis because they are either a) way boring or b) there are too many to remember.  And what's majorly, MAJORLY killing my bloggy mojo right now is that we STILL don't have internet in the house. We ordered on September 13th and they KEEP giving us a new "service ready date".  Our latest one is TOMORROW.  If our @*#%$ internet is not on tomorrow when I get home from work I am going to spend a lengthy amount of time on the phone with Verizon explaining how my followers are growing cross with me over lack of updates.

Our life has been completely consumed by the new house. Not that it's a bad thing, but it is making it difficult to make plans, spend money on anything but the house, etc.  You know what also ruins plans? Your back brakes needing to be replaced. That's how I spend my Saturday. On 2 wheels.

Oh, and while I'm talking about not having any money, let me go ahead and announce that we are gearing up for our REAL One Year Anniversary Celebration (the Disney trip was just a hoax?).  Yep, we're going on a cruise. You heard me. It's a long story that involves St. Patrick's Day, a lot of beer, friends, and a credit card. You do the math.

So today I'm working on my cruise diet. I had 2 cupcakes and a jelly donut so far. How am I doing?!

This weekend is looking up, however. My parents are coming to visit for the first time since we bought the house.  (The hurricane did end up ruining their visit last time.)  We are excited and working on finishing up the guest room so they can stay with us.  We're planning on doing some house work, but also showing them around the 'hood and having some family togetherness (Joey is THRILLED).

I don’t really have anything to promise. I do know that I owe some house pictures, more of the Disney report, etc. But I can’t do any of that until I have internet at my house! AAAND with that, this superbly boring blog post will end.


1 comment:

  1. We had a tough time with Verizon when we lived in Reston too. I think we went 21 days without the internet. It nearly killed someone who I call babe.
