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Thursday, September 8, 2011


So today I've spent some time setting up things like trash/recycling service, changing our address on accounts, and researching our Cable TV options.

Basically in the area where we live, we have 2 options for TV.

1. DirectTV

2. Verizon Fios

Both are great.  Without delving into too many details (and because I am lazy),  the problem is this:

The price is the same for:

Verizon Phone
Verizon Internet (slower speed)
DirectTV + HBO and NFL Sunday Ticket


Verizon Phone
Verizon Internet (Fast Speed)
Verizon Fios TV + HBO but NO NFL Sunday Ticket.

WHAT DO I DO?!!?!? Do we want slower internet (that apparently is still faster than what we had at the apartment) and every single football game EVER this season?!? (Which is super important in this marriage as neither of our "teams" are local...) OR do we get a bundle from Verizon and just go to a bar every time the Eagles or Cowboys are playing?!

HELP MEEE!! I've created a poll on the side bar. ---->

Please feel free to take the poll and leave me a comment about what I should do...



  1. I vote faster internet. Enjoy going out to bars for games as long as you can! We had to go to a bar, albeit on post, last season and people look at you funny when you bring a baby. Even if she is in Redskins gear.

    Ooohhh, but now devils advocate...if you are planning on getting preggers anytime soon, don't do the bar thing. It is unnecessary torture.

    You're welcome for being no help, haha. :)

  2. Verizon FiOS is not everything it's cracked up to be! Get the Sunday Ticket and enjoy it. Unless you are making your living developing applications for the internet, or using the internet for TV or phone, you don't need the top-of-the-line, fastest stuff.

