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Thursday, September 22, 2011


So I keep trying to write a blog about the saga between Direct TV and Verizon Fios, and more stuff keeps happening so I keep thinking I'll write the blog when the saga is over.  Except it's NEVER over!! Well, it's sort of over... I think.

So the same day I wrote that blog about whether to choose Direct TV and Football or Verizon and faster internet, I found out that Verizon has a DEAL with Direct TV where you can get the best of both worlds. Except they don't tell you about it when you call because obviously they want to sell you Verizon service because they get paid more commission for that.  It sucks being a customer these days.

So after much confusion, we ended up with a triple play from Verizon that has the high speed internet, phone service, AND the Direct TV.  WINNING, right?!  Wrong.

Last Sunday we woke up all early (for a Sunday!) at 8 when the Direct TV guy showed up.  He took one look at our ALREADY INSTALLED dish from the previous owners and let us know that our trees were too tall and too bad so sorry you can't get Direct TV and he left.  Ummmmm so there went our lovely day of watching football at the new house. 

So I called Direct TV to cancel our service, and the lady on the line was like "hold up wait a minute WHAT happened?" and "he didn't give you any other options" Um, no.  So she said she'd send out another technician on Wednesday, meaning Joey had to make up a reason to get out of work because of course they can only come on the weekdays in the middle of the day because nobody has a full time job…

So yesterday the Direct TV guy showed up at 1:30.  And he left around 8pm.  I hardly even want to get into the reason he was there for so long because I am still furious about it, but somewhere in the mix he told Joey that we couldn't receive HD in the bedroom so we had to change the order to standard definition in one room. And then I got 8 phone calls while I was at work and each time I had to explain that I WAS NOT AT THE HOUSE and that they needed to call their technician and stop trying to up-sell me to HD when I was told I CANT have HD in that room.

And then 4 hours later Joey calls and says that apparently it was a big misunderstanding and we CAN have HD in the bedroom.  And 4 hours after THAT and a ton of other problems, including them canceling our entire order and us having to call Direct TV and PLACE A BRAND NEW ORDER AT 7PM and the technician walking all over my newly cleaned and polished wood floor with dusty boots, he finally left us with working TVs.

Seriously. It was that traumatic.

And OH BY THE WAY, we have no phone or internet service because apparently there is no connectivity running to our house. So that was supposed to happen yesterday too. But it didn't. So the Disney Trip Reports and Disney Photo posting are just going to have to wait. Sorry in advance to all my stalkers.

And here's one more issues that I would like to rant about.  Our mortgage company decided to immediately sell our loan.  Effective October 1. Which is also the date our first EVER payment is due.  And I called the new company and they are saying not to send in the payment until October 7? Which would make it late? But they are saying something about a grace period? What? I am so confused and all I want to do is pay my mortgage and not worry about the check getting lost in the mail on the way to CALIFORNIA.

OK I'm done now. Thanks for listening!!!!


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