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Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I guess I should have addressed the previous open letter to "Mother Nature" instead of Hurricane Irene. Looks like I didn't go far enough up the chain of command...  So like everyone else on the East Coast, I'm going to blog about the Earthquake.  If you don't know what I am talking about, then you definitely live under a rock.

But instead of telling my harrowing tale, I'm just going to make a short list of things that I learned from yesterday's earthquake:

1. I already had a hunch, but now I know for sure that in any survival situation I will be the first to die.  Think deer in the headlights.

2. If there is ever a real emergency in DC, we are all screwed. 

 mass chaos immediately following the quake and evacuation at Washington Navy Yard

3. Once again, I'm pretty sure my dog handled this event better than I did.

And another quick list for the inevitable FAQs:

1. Our new house is fine.  In fact, Joey is very proud that his white picket fence survived an earthquake.  He’s been talking about it all day.

2. Damage at the In-laws was limited to a book that fell off the TV.

Earthquake Damage

3. No, I didn’t feel any of the aftershocks.

So like I said, perhaps I was a little too curt with Irene, so she tattle-tailed on me to her Mom.  So let me go ahead and revise my open letter, in a nicer tone…

Dear Mother Nature,
While I understand and respect your power and might, I would like to request that you please refrain from any more natural disasters.  I would love to be able to enjoy my upcoming vacation(s) and my parents’ visit without any further issues.  Thank you for your understanding.




1 comment:

  1. Plus we learned through modern technology we found out within the first ten minutes that the whole family was fine, it was a 5.8 magnitude quake and it was centered at Mineral, VA. Minimized the amount of panic we felt! Lesson from yesterday: use text messaging and social networks to get the word out. Voice networks get bogged down really fast.

