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Monday, August 15, 2011

Clear To Close

We have been waiting to hear those three words for SO LONG. And now that we finally did, I am so skeptical that it doesn't even seem real.  I WANT to write a long blog about our new home and all the fun things that I am going to do to make it look chic and not shabby. But first we have to make it to Wednesday.

So everybody say a little prayer, or stick your pins into somebody else's voodoo doll tonight. Because we need to make it to Wednesday at lunchtime with no further hiccups. And speaking of that, I am going to get back to work. Because they are going to call on Wednesday morning to make sure I am still employed!

Here's a little teaser:
**Note the jungle we will be slashing through in order to get to our front door...

More to come!

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo insanely jealous. Sending happy thoughts your way to get you to Wednesday! I can't wait to see all the fun things you are going to tour!!! :)
