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Monday, April 28, 2014

25 Weeks

Holy cow! This is the last time we'll have 4 weeks in between appointments.  Friday's appointment went well- I drank my glucola and then was told there was sugar in my urine so "we'd see how the glucose blood test comes out".  Ummm well considering ALL I ATE/DRANK so far that day was the glucola, yeah, I can see why there was sugar in my urine.  I would be really shocked to have gestational diabetes considering my slow weight gain and my so-low-I-might-be-dead blood pressure. BUT it could happen and it's not the end of the world if I do have it.  Just waiting for the results.

Saturday we went to a wine festival in Reston and met up with our friends Jess and Ryan who were in town from Raleigh. It was so nice to get to see them and visit. 

I was obviously DD and things got....squirrely.   Luckily I didn't have to say anything because Joey's hangover yesterday said it all ;)

Finally, Sunday I got to go out and get a pedicure for the first time in forever. (Cue Frozen music!)
It's really amazing what getting your nails done can do.  I was a little worried about getting massaged on the ankle and triggering contractions (I need to just stop reading things all together) but obviously it went fine.  Afterwards, I got to go judge Mason Dance Team auditions which is one of my favorite things to do each Spring.

Date: April 28, 2014

How far along? 25w (Baby is as big as a rutabega.) There are conflicting reports- she could be anywhere between 9-13 inches long at this point and 1.5-2 pounds. I think that's because from now on, babies develop at varying rates.

How is Mama doing?  I continue to feel good and make lists of stupid questions to ask the Dr. because I don't have any real concerns.  Oh! And she said peanut butter is fine, just that there is a lot of fat in it so I shouldn't eat it by the jar ;)

Movement:  I wish I had a little window on my belly. Ya know, like a glass bottom boat? It would be cool to see what the heck is going on in there sometimes!

Maternity Clothes?  Still shopping around for shower dresses.  Also, it's officially time for me to get a bra fitting and a real bra.  I've been living in the same one for months and it does not fit me correctly. Maybe it did at first... but not anymore.  I found a business near my house that I'll be visiting in the next week or two and I'll be sure to follow up with a report.

Pregnancy Fitness:  2 workouts this week. And I use the term 'workout' loosely.  When I got pregnant I comitted to 3 times per week as my goal, and since I'm not crazy about fitness, I decided that anything active will do.  So taking the dog for a walk definitely counts.  Because it's better than nothing.  The point is to stay active because it will help with l&d and also recovery.  I like having this section of the survey because it holds me accountable to do SOMETHING, even if it's taking my fat dog for a walk up a hill.

Symptoms: Nothing new to report. Tried folding the pillow in half for more leg/hip support and it seems to have helped a bit with the hip pain.

Belly Button:  I kind of want to take this off the survey and I'll let you know if/when it changes.

Stretchmarks?  I almost want to take this off the survey too.  I still have my pre-existing zebra stripes and I'll let you know if more emerge.  If I keep taking questions off this survey there will be nothing left!

Nutrition/Cravings? Since the last growth spurt, the appetite has returned to normal and no additional cravings. I'm guessing the growth spurts are going to be more frequent from now on so I'm chillin with my yogurt waiting until I'm hungry for an entire pizza. 

Sleep: The sleep part is going okay but I'm really done with the bad dreams.  Every night. And they range in scariness levels but I'm tired of waking up in the morning feeling like something is wrong because I had a nightmare. Pregnancy dreams are definitely weird and I appreciate the weird and totally random, but I could do without the scary ones :(

Looking Forward To:  My last class begins this weekend and in two weeks I'll be done with my certificate program. Very exciting!

What I miss: Of course I missed participating in the wine festival. I had a couple sips (OMG CALL THE COPS) but it wasn't the same :( PS: I know women who drank full glasses/bottles of wine throughout their pregnancies. So I guess I COULD have participated if I wanted to...

Doc/Chloe:  Nothing new but I know you wanted to see some pictures of them:


25 Week Pic: More of a bump to see this week! (That's prob because I borderline shouldn't be wearing this shirt anymore as it is not maternity... but hey...)

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