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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sneak Peek

First of all, I would like to report that one of the trees in our front yard has exploded into a frenzy of white flowers.  It looks beautiful, but it raises my blood pressure slightly as I am becoming more and more aware of the severe need for landscaping out there.  We literally haven’t done anything aside from pulling up a few trees with a chain and a pickup truck last summer.  So we are in dire need of a chainsaw (goodbye, lollipop tree), a shovel, some pruning shears, mulch, flowers, and some fertilizer.  Joey also gave Grandmother Willow a haircut the other day and she looks much better.  You can see her creeping in the background on the bottom left corner.

Secondly, I finished the first cornice and made asked Joey to hang it last night:

It still needs to be tweaked, but I think I like it.  Although I’m sure you didn’t even notice it, because how could you with the


in the center of the picture.  But don’t worry. I already have plans.  I was excited about the red chair but not so much when we opened the box and realized it was neon red.  Didn’t know they made that color?  Ikea does, apparently.  So it’s a little more red than anything else, ever.  But I already have a few ideas to tone it down a little bit.  Such as: adding a pillow of a less offensive color, same with a throw blanket to drape over the back.  Any other suggestions?  And no, I'm not getting rid of it JOEY.

Next up is to finish the other cornice, get it hung up, and take some pictures of all the adjustments we’ve made lately.  Which includes a lot of red.  But I’m okay with that.  And I know my Mom will be too ;)

Hope you enjoy this sneak peek, which I almost didn’t want to do because I’m not happy with how it looks.  But then I decided that I want to keep it real for my fans... :-)


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the red chair. The right pillow, wall decor, pillows on the sofa, it's an elegant touch. Do NOT get rid of it!!
