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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Recap

Just wanted to share a quick recap:
Halloween was a success at the Gish household!  When the evening started, I was worried we wouldn't get too many trick or treaters.  But we ended up going through 3 bags of candy!  I didn't wear a "costume", per se, but I did wear the mouse ears I acquired in Disney World 2 weeks ago (quick cruise pit stop) and some other Halloweeny stuff.  Doc was a bumble bee.  I didn't necessarily plan for him to be a bumble bee but for 5 bucks at Walmart, it sounds like a plan.  Even though I'd LOVE to buy an elaborate costume for him, I'd get chewed out for it and really, I'd rather spend $50 on new shoes or something...

I did have to apologize for my barking bumble bee throughout the night ("he's all buzz and no sting!") but we also used it as a sort of training opportunity.  I would answer the door while Joey distracted him with treats (and made him do tricks!).  We also put up the baby gates because the first time the doorbell rang he went tearing off to the little windows on either side of the door and was visciously defending his home.  Lucky for us most of the kids wanted to know what kind of dog he was and/or tell me about their dog.  Kids are so funny.

In terms of decorations, we didn't have much.  I didn't really go out an get decorations for the house because we are still working on things like.... curtains.  So we don't really have any business buying Halloween crap.  So I just used what we already had.  Not spectacular, but we lit up the place like a Christmas tree so the kids would know it was a candy-giving house.

My astronaut.  Just another prop I bought for the cruise that didn't end up being worn.  So Joey wore it for ~5 minutes while he drank a beer and lit the pumpkin because I thought I was going to burn my fingers off.

Before we gave away all our candy, I'd say we had about 20-25 Trick-or-Treaters.  We decided to call it a night a little after 9 when a group of 6 middle school-age boys pulled up in their parents SUV.  They were clearly being driven all over town.  Majorly frowning upon that. I said on my Facebook that I don't have a problem with a parent driving their kid around due to health reasons or safety reasons. But when you are doing it because your greedy kid is trying to collect as much free stuff as possible/doesn't want to WALK to do it.... then I will judge you.

And now my rant is over. 

We checked left and right to make sure no more LEGIT Trick-or-Treaters were coming up the street, then we blew out the candles and turned off all the lights.  And watched the football game.

Happy Halloween to all and to all a good November!!


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