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Monday, November 1, 2010

SG's Wedding Planning Advice

As I was planning my wedding, I made sure to keep a running list of advice that I would give to another bride who was planning her own wedding.  I know this is not all of it, but here are some selectively hilarious tid bits of what it was like to plan a wedding a la Sarah Davis...

-Don’t stalk your registry too much. Limit yourself to once or twice a week.  Otherwise you’ll ruin all the surprises/embarrass yourself when you open a gift and say “OH! It’s my “Clam shell ‘Giselle’ ¾ inch dessert plates set of 6!”

-TRY not to make any rash decisions.  Take the time to consider if you really need to drive to Baltimore to pick up $20 bubbles.

-Be patient with your photographers.  Don’t be upset when their Facebook status says “family time” instead of “editing sarah and joey’s love session”.

-Bored at work should NOT equal online shopping for cute little extras.

-Do keep a blog. It will be fun to look back on later!

-Don’t register at big department stores that are going to discontinue your registry items faster than you can say “presents!”

-Everyone stalks these days so make sure to at least create a “theknot” page with a link to your actual site so people like me can look at your wedding webpage. Thanks.

-If you live in an apartment, make sure to check with your front office from time to time. Sometimes the UPS or FedEx man might forget to leave a note that there is a package for you in the main office, and Aunt Mildred might be upset that you didn’t send her a thank you note.

-Don’t try to explain to your fiancĂ© why you need a new dress for every shower, rehearsal, etc.  It is futile and will only cause arguments.

-Write your thank you notes IMMEDIATELY. Your hand will hurt. Take frequent breaks.  Don’t attempt this with a dog on your lap.

-Take lots of advice from friends and family members. That way, if something sucks you can blame it on someone else…

-Do not expect anybody to remember that you already sent out the information  about xyz in an email.  Expect them to ask you the same questions over and over.  Nobody searches through their email, because it’s easier to bother you with the question.  Kindly direct them to their email or your website, which you created FOR THIS REASON.

-Don’t EVER call anybody a Bridezilla without having ever planned your own wedding.  It’s impossible to understand MANY aspects of wedding planning without being involved in it yourself.  It can turn even the nicest, most mild mannered lady into a frothing, angry, monster.  Wedding stress is very unique.  Even though you’ve got it all under control, it’s such a huge day and it’s hard to keep everything in check.  Really listen to people that say “they’ll understand when they plan their own weddings”.  Because it’s true.

Hope this has been enjoyable and maybe you learned a thing or two!  Til next time,

Sarah G

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