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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

34 Weeks

I was prepared to be exhausted after my VA baby shower, but I didn't realize it would take me a couple of days to bounce back! I'm still recovering.  I had a GREAT shower, and I will absolutely do a separate write up about it.  I thought we were well prepared after the PA shower... now I KNOW we are well prepared!!!

In other news, I'm 99% sure the baby has dropped.  This happened overnight from Sunday to Monday. I'm slightly freaked out, but I have read that in first timers, it's common for the baby to drop as early as 32 weeks.  I'm going to ask at my appointment on Thursday!

This past weekend was also our childbirth preparation class at the hospital.  I feel confident because I knew most of what we were learning about, but appreciated going into more depth.  We learned about all the different scenarios for birth and the risks/benefits for all the different types of pain management.  We worked on relaxation techniques and I got a lot of free massages at Joey's expense ;)  We did another hospital tour and overall I feel less worried and more prepared.

I still need to formulate and write out our "birth plan", but our birth plan is basically this: show up, see how it goes, remain flexible, manage pain, have a baby.   I've learned that it's important to be flexible because you don't know how it's going to go.  I also know I'm naive and I'm sure I'll have all kinds of wisdom to share afterwards!

Date: July 1, 2014 (She will be here next month! Or this month..... AHHH!)

How far along? 34 Weeks, 1 day. She's a cantaloupe.

How is Mama doing?  Feeling tired! Otherwise still doing great with 6 weeks to go.  Or less. Or more.

Movement:  The dance party has not stopped, it has only gotten more violent :(

Maternity Clothes? Still rockin' em.

Pregnancy Fitness: Last week was a fail, but I was on my feet quite a bit doing housework getting ready for my Mom to visit, etc.  I didn't do any specific workouts though.  I'm nervous about going for walks in the heat/humidity when there is an air quality warning.

Symptoms:  Giant beachball under my shirt.  Some heartburn, some exhaustion, some emotional-ness (which could be caused by the exhaustion).  Continuing to feel very lucky.

Belly Button: Still there. Still stretched.  Still oiling a ton! Also have started to put lanolin on my nips to get them ready for the beating they are about to take :(

Nutrition/Cravings?  I've done OK with nutrition and haven't had any weird cravings to date.  I love eating breakfast and dessert food but is that really new? No.  Still drinking a ton of water to try to avoid swelling. I've been successful so far.  Still wearing my wedding rings at 34 weeks! I'm impressed with myself.  We'll see what next week brings, though.

Sleep:  Ugh. Lots of flopping (gently) from side to side, pillow in the legs, Min Pins everywhere.  I've been getting up earlier for work, but I don't mind because I'm usually awake from the hip pain anyway.

Looking Forward To:  Maternity photos this coming weekend.  We've waited a bit long to take them but it's how scheduling shook out. Plus, my belly took forever to look pregnant. I need to figure out outfits and all that jazz.

What I miss: Being able to bend over and pick things up off the floor.

Doc/Chloe:  Doc was totally traumatized by all the presents.  He was upset because he wasn't allowed to play with anything and it gave him anxiety. Chloe, on the other hand, was totally unaffected and after giving everything a good sniff, had some kibble and called it a night.

34 Week Pic:

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