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Friday, July 6, 2012

Front Porch Sittin'

If you're friends with me on Facebook, you are probably tired of seeing my in-progress updates every week... but I'm proud of how my vision has turned into reality, and we are pretty much done... I wanted a southern feel, if you remember, so the rocking chairs and ceiling fans were important to me.  Someday we'll wrap this sucker around the side of the house so we can look out over the side yard/to Grandmother Willow (if she survives that long......).  For now, we'll enjoy the view of the neighborhood, or the 360 degree fireworks show we got on Wednesday.

Editorial: So we haven't mulched (yet), the evergreens we re-planted are looking a little ever-um-brown... and the grass is patchy and yellowing.  But it's our home and it's slowly coming together and I'm pretty freaking proud of how far we've come in the past year.  Get excited cause I'm sure I'll post 1000000000 more pictures of it before it's "done".  (Hey, you opted to read this blog. Nobody's forcing you!)

Recent additions include: ceiling fans and lantern, rocking chairs, and a white bench!

It's no southern plantation, but it's cute, right??

Now I'd like to play a little game.  It's called "one of these things is not like the others".  Bonus points if you know the reference.  Can you find it??



  1. Well I know the answer to both, but spent more years paying attention than the rest of you, so I won't give it away here. Oh all right, rocking chairs on the left, a bench on the right...or maybe it's the bush on the left and lack thereof on the right... but if we're playing the game properly, its the rocking chairs/bench thing....and you KNOW I know the reference!

  2. Or does one window have a min pin in it and the other not?
