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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nutrition/Exercise Blog (Sorry)

While I don't want to bore you with details of my new healthy eating plan (it is SO much more fun to read about eating chocolate cake, no?) I do want to QUICKLY write about how I'm doing and what I'm doing.

A) This goes way back to like a month after the wedding when I realized wedding stress wasn't automatically deleting calories anymore.  (Srsly. I lost 10 pounds before the wedding, doing absolutely NOTHING. It was amazing.)

B) Now that I'm back to dancing, I want to be able to perform (outside in 100 degree weather) without gasping for air and also not embarrass myself in a tiny little spandex skirt.

So here I am.  I have no clue what day/week I'm on, maybe a little over a month, and I've lost about 5-7 pounds.  And I just kicked it up a notch.

One of my coaches is a nutritionist (WINNING).  She took my body fat measurement with this awesome ultrasound-like machine.  I came in right about where I thought I would.  Which is good, because it wasn't terrible.  But it wasn't awesomesauce either. (mmmmm sauce.)

Something I'm definitely struggling with is eating ENOUGH. I know that sounds crazy because when I'm not watching what I eat, I eat plenty.  But when it comes to salads, carrot sticks, bananas, etc. I have this idea in my head that I'm not allowed to eat a lot.  Which then leaves me hungry. For pizza.

So I'm working really hard on chugging water and making healthier choices.  Which means PLANNING AHEAD.  I should've taken a picture of the kitchen counter the other night after I finished putting celery sticks, carrot sticks, apple slices and blueberries into mini plastic baggies to take to work.

OK and for those of you who are like "Really? Give me a break."  I'm also being careful NOT to restrict myself from eating things like the brownies my sister baked for us as a thank you for coming to her bridal shower. 

The other half of nutrition is obviously exercise.  While I'm getting an AWESOME workout twice a week at dance practice, that leaves 5 other nights where I need to figure out what to do.  So I'm focusing on getting back into running.

If you've ever met me, you'll l know I am NOT an athlete. I have never been an athlete. I'm a artist, if you will.  While I wasn't the LAST one picked for the team in high school gym class, I certainly wasn't the first.  And I never ran a mile in under 10 minutes until I was about.....20.

I try though, and I like running races and I even do long races because I like the accomplishment and sometimes you get to wear a tutu.  So Tuesday I decided to try for 2 miles around my in-laws neighborhood (which might as well be a mountainous region).  I freakin did it!!! My pace was probably horrible but I did 2 miles with no walking.  I'm pumped.  Haven't ran that far since.... February of last year.

Sooo there's my nutrition/exercise update for a little while.  It's definitely not easy.  In fact, it sucks.

But you know what else sucks? Being benched.  So let’s hope I get my rear in gear ASAP, eh?!


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