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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

30 Weeks!

Date: June 3, 2014

How far along? 30w1d, Baby is the size of a butternut squash (17 in, 3.1 pounds)

How is Mama doing?  Still kicking a$$ and taking names, just doing it a little slower.  After the shower on Saturday I was completely spent.  Also I'm starting to have that anxiety again about whether it's REALLY a girl. 3 ultrasounds and a radiologist writing it down on my report (which apparently isn't done unless they are really sure) and I'm still worrying.  I guess I have been very fortunate because I'm worrying about stupid things.

Movement:  Tons of movement, and it's definitely starting to feel like arms and legs.  Also felt some hiccups the other day which was amusing.

Maternity Clothes?  Got a ton of new Lilly gear (thanks sis!) and I'm excited to rock it both pre and post partum.  Also, wore a strapless bra that I got from a maternity store for my shower.  It worked great at the beginning but by the end it was sag city.  Lesson: just don't do it.

Pregnancy Fitness:  If I recall correctly (which is a big IF), I did 2 Denise Austin workouts last week. 1 cardio and 1 strength training. 

Symptoms:  Mainly just the exhaustion starting to creep back in.  Also, on Friday, I did not drink enough water and I started having some Braxton Hicks contractions on the way to PA.  It was very uncomfortable being in the car, but some quick google research told me that I needed to drink water and when I did, they stopped.

On that note, something that I have forgotten to mention every week since the beginning is how much water I am drinking.  Friday was a crazy day and I was busy at work and had to run Chloe to the vet, so I didn't get my several bottles of water for the day.  In general though, I have been hydrating a TON. 

Belly Button: Still an innie.  Also still clear on the stretch marks, for anyone that was wondering.

Nutrition/Cravings?   Doing pretty good.  Major shout out to my Chef, who is basically the only reason I'm not eating pb&j for dinner every night.  After a long day at work and a long commute in the car, I'm usually too exhausted to cook.  Joey gets home before me most days and has been doing the main course (I'll throw in a side dish or a salad) and therefore has been making sure that the baby and I are eating good hearty dinners.  Starting family dinner time early ;)

Sleep:  Going well, felt a limb move on my belly/the mattress this morning which was kind of weird.  Like she's sticking out far enough to also be sleeping on the mattress...

Looking Forward To:  Spending the weekend playing with all our new stuff :) (I have never been more excited to do Laundry!)  Also need to get those Thank Yous out!

What I miss: It's not what I miss but what I am going to miss. I'm afraid the summer is going to fly by and then it's going to be Fall and then dreaded Winter again :( I'm trying to enjoy my spring and summer days as much as I can.

Doc/Chloe:  Chloe wasn't feeling well earlier in the week and she just wanted her mama all the time. I felt so sorry for her and when she wouldn't get out of bed on Friday I took her to the vet.  After a couple days on medicine she's feeling much better!

30 Week Pic:
If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen that we stopped by the Desmond to take some pictures on the gazebo where we got married in 2010.  My sister was our photographer and we had to sneak in there really quick because it was already set up for a wedding.  It was early in the morning and the sun was in our eyes, but it was our only opportunity to get some pictures there.  I think we got some nice shots and even though I don't love the way I look, I know that's not the point.  I'm excited to come back here again with baby Gish sometime in the near future :)
Let's start off with this one, just to prove that we aren't at all serious about this.

Look! A 30 week pic without an iPhone!

I've tried this cute pose before but it's difficult to see my belly over my boobs :(

I might frame this one :)

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