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Monday, May 5, 2014

26 Weeks

Date: CINCO DE MAYO, 2014

How far along? 26 weeks, baby is as long as a green onion.

How is Mama doing?  Same same. I can't believe it's MAY. Looks like our Cinco de Mayo will be pretty tame this year with some lemonade and chips and salsa.  All for a good cause!

Movement: Baby is much bigger (~1.75 lb) and looonger (~14 in). I can feel her moving high up near my ribs and at the same time, low in my pelvis.

Maternity Clothes?  I just discovered Zulily and not throwing 86 things into my shopping cart has been my focus as of late.

Pregnancy Fitness:  I did a good deal of treadmill walking last week (it was rainy) however I ended up regretting that because I had pain both in my torn labrum area (this tends to be aggravated by the treadmill) and in the lower part of my uterus- it feels a little sore when baby kicks.  I'm taking it easy for the next couple of days and probably will focus on strength training this week rather than cardio.

Symptoms: Had more heartburn this week.  It's still not very bad and only moderately bothersome. 2 tums kills it pretty quick.  I mentioned that my lower uterus/ligaments were sore- I'm not sure if that's from too much walking, growing, or a combination of the two. I notice more pain/discomfort when I wear heels, so I guess sayonara to all my heels, wedges, etc. :(  Also I have had hip pain on and off for the past week in the mornings.  None of these symptoms are very bad or getting in the way of daily life.  I'm so thankful.

Belly Button:  My weekly e-mails say that my belly button may start to pop out around now.  However mine is still very "in".  I have noticed I have been a little behind where the e-mails say I should be.  This could, of course, be done on purpose to make women feel like they aren't huge and/or get them prepared for what is coming.

Nutrition/Cravings? We sat down last week and planned dinners for the next two weeks (or at least came up with 2 weeks worth of dinner ideas) before my shopping trip.  A little bit of planning can go a long way.

Sleep: Nothing new. Still sleeping pretty well, waking up once or twice to use the bathroom or flip to the other side. Lately haven't been awake for such long stretches as I was before. I've gotten used to sleeping on my side which is a huge deal.  If I'm leaning too far into my bump, baby usually lets me know with a kick or two... "Mom... I need more room." Feisty thing, that one.

Looking Forward To:  We're touring the Labor and Delivery wing at the hospital tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to this because it will ease my mind about knowing where to go and what it looks like. 

What I miss: Raw meat.  OK not really, but I miss not having to cook everything to a near crisp because I'm worried about bacteria.  I realize this is another one of those crazy paranoid things that not everyone cares about.  I will be really happy when I can go back to eating my steak medium, having runny sunny side up eggs, and eating raw cookie dough :)

Doc/Chloe:  They had a busy weekend barking at the new neighbors moving in across the street. While it would be nice to sleep with the windows open this time of year, that's not an option due to our over-sensitive home security detail.

26 Week Pic:

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