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Thursday, March 28, 2013

I cannot even make this up if I tried...

So this morning around 8:15 (yeah, I was running a little late) I was just standing in line in the Mark Center Starbucks.  If you aren't from around here, the area is a suburban Washington hotspot for Government agencies.  The Starbucks in question has been known to host some riff raff from time to time, but at this hour of the day it is mainly frequented by business people who NEED their morning mocha.

As I said, I was in line behind two ladies, both dressed for work.  There were a few snippy words exchanged when one tried to order (Lady #1) and I guess the other one (Lady #2) snapped that she was there first and proceeded to order.  Lady #2 had finished ordering but she hadn’t moved out of the way yet and I guess Lady #1 felt slighted so she stepped up right into the personal space of Lady #2 and started ordering loudly.  Well, Lady #2 was not happy about that and pushed right by the Lady #1 between her and the cash register, and (if you are lost just keep reading for the good part) suddenly their purses were on the ground and they were yelling and punching each other!!!!!!!!!!! I'm talking a knock down, drag out, hair pulling, fight.

The manager (who remained remarkably calm) came over and yelled at them with the phone in his hand, saying the police were being called and told them both to leave immediately.

Not something I'd expect on a Thursday morning in the burbs.... Woodbridge, maybe ;)

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