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Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Danielle!

What a lucky girl she is, sharing her birth month with her daughter.  Saturday night we headed out to The Park, a nightclub in downtown DC to celebrate Danielle.

Joey's good friend/our best man, Teddy, is a bartender/promoter and was able to get us the hook up.

I definitely felt out of place. Like I was 28 and trying to be 21 again.  I felt the same way when I was in Forever 21 trying to find something to wear.  I'm going to sound like my mother, but GOODNESS the dresses there are SHORT!

After a 14 mile training run, chik fil a, and a long nap, Joey and I headed up to DC to join the crew.  We had a great crowd. I didn't take many pictures, but it was a great combo of Danielle's close friends, our dancer friends, college friends, and new friends.  We loved the VIP status at our table, with free apps, mixers (including redbulls), and 2 bottles of vodka. 

The birthday girl, and her lovely brother.

The only pic I got of us former/current WG, RR, WRC girls

Me and Joey

Joey and Teddy

Beth, D and Me
The night ended on a fun note which I will not go into detail on but let's just say the car we were in didn't have working windows, and Joey wasn't feeling well.  Sorry, Joe K.  I also ate his king size Twix bar which I found in the back seat. Sorry I'm not sorry. We'll get you back ;)

The night was a total success, and I don't know whether my sore legs are from 14 miles, or breaking it down at the club in stilettos....

Happy Monday!



  1. Yes....they ARE short....and you only have a few years to get that college thing out of your system!!

  2. Thanks Sarah!!!!

    I'm getting too OLD for that, but it was terrific!
