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Friday, January 30, 2015

Why you are getting a Nosefrida from me at your baby shower

File this post under: Stuff I Said I'd Never Do.

There is a whole slew of things we say as non-parents and preggos that will eventually go 100% out the window once we have children. I can't tell you how many times I've said "I'll never let my kid do X" or "I will never buy Y".  At this point I still say these things but I know I'm only lying to myself. Knowing is half the battle, right?!  Like, even right now, I can't believe I'm writing an entire blog post about snot.  Yep. So if you are squeamish better just click that little X in the top right.

When babies are born you are given a little bulb sucker in the hospital to clear out their nasal passageways (there will still be some residual fluid in there; after all, they lived in the stuff for 9 months!).  The one we got at the hospital looks like the below picture and is the best one we have. The one that came with the first aid kit and another one that came with a medication kit both SUCK (but not literally. They don't actually "suck" at all.).

We've been happy to use the hospital bulb to get out rando boogers but until she got sick last weekend we really didn't need it too much and it stayed in the diaper bag most of the time.

Now, the Nosefrida is a special product.  You literally stick a tube on the outside of the baby's nose, and then suck on the other end of it to clear the snot out.  GROSS, right?!?!?!  Upon learning of this I a) gagged and b) swore up and down I would never ever buy such a product. And probably threw up in my mouth just like you just did when you read this.

That is, until my baby started choking on her own snot. :( Her face turned bright red and Joey flipped her upside down and did a couple very light back blows (it was only snot, after all). She was fine, but it was terribly scary for the two of us.  And that was the moment I realized we needed to more effectively clear out her nose and I ran out to the store and bought the Nosefrida.

So, why am I telling you this? Mostly because I just want you to remember that every time you say you'll never do something you are probably lying to yourself ;).  But also because I recommend this product and will probably buy it for my friends that are having babies (so, watch out!!). As gross as it seems, there is actually no chance of inhaling baby snot thanks to a little barrier sponge.  Also it is highly effective.  Also in case it isn't obvious I wrote this all by myself and received no compensation from Nosefrida or the snot suckers they hand out in hospitals...

AND because you were good I'll provide you with a selfie:

Her expression kills me.

And here are a couple from "school":

Happy Friday!


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