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Monday, August 4, 2014

39 Weeks

It's officially August! We are having a baby THIS MONTH.

At my 38 week appointment I was 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced.  Cue everyone FREAKING OUT and swearing that the baby would be here by the weekend.  Welp.... the weekend came... and went... and I haven't had a single contraction. 

I'm not surprised.  I may have mentioned that I was born on my due date.  I think this one will be close to hers.  I also did some research and we are scheduled for not only a Full Moon, but a SUPER Moon this Sunday the 10th.  So.... baby's probably just waiting to make a grand entrance with everyone ELSE that will be at the hospital this weekend.

At this point, the waiting is agonizing.  I have not had any labor symptoms so the more people that ask me about it, the more frustrated I'm feeling.  It has nothing to do with the sweet intentions of my family and friends.  I just REALLY hate waiting for things.  Especially unknown things.

I'm honestly not surprised that she's not here yet.  I don't show up early to anything, ever.  So why would my kid?  Also, she still has plenty of room.  The nurse last week said I didn't look 38 weeks pregnant.  There seems to be plenty of room in there for karate, acrobatics, etc. 

But it's ok.  She'll come when she's ready and we'll be ready for her.  I'm occupying my time by working, cleaning, organizing (we donated 10 bags to Goodwill this weekend!) and lately, baking things. (Which is a huge problemmo because Joey doesn't eat baked goods.)

The only thing that's not so fun is worrying constantly and therefore not wanting to leave my house. What if my water breaks in public?! What if I suddenly have terrible contractions?  So I've been a bit of a homebody, but we did make it out to dinner yesterday to celebrate my MIL's birthday.  I survived ;)

Here's this week's stats!  Maybe it will be the last week. What do you think??

Date: August 4, 2014

How far along? 39 Weeks. She's huge.

How is Mama doing?  See above :)

Movement:  Tons of movement.  She took the day off on Friday and freaked me out (she still passed her kick count test) but the next day (and ever since) she's been back to her crazy constant moving, kicking, punching, and overall beating me up from the inside.  I'm ok with it!

Maternity Clothes? It's whatever fits at this point.  But again... not really leaving the house... so... PJs it is.

Pregnancy Fitness: I forgot to mention that Joey served the eviction notice to baby G last week.  He's determined to get her out so we went for a few walks this past week.  He's a little bitter about being at work today...

Symptoms:  My hips are KILLING me.  All around my legs.  I get very stiff from sitting for too long.  I've been using my exercise ball, stretching, etc and it has helped a little.  But this is literally the only symptom I'm having.  I have been so lucky and I know that and I try not to complain too much.

Belly Button:  Stretched.

Nutrition/Cravings?  I'm just eating whatever at this point.  I'm still trying to include healthy things in my diet as before, still drinking a ton of water, but I'm not being as careful as I had been.  My weight has been the same for the past 3 appointments in a row. What's another brownie/ice cream sundae.....

Sleep:  Waking up a ton, but able to go back to sleep.  I've had a few rough nights here and there, but I'm dealing.

Looking Forward To:  Meeting my baby!

What I miss:  Being able to sit on a chair for more than 30 minutes at a time without needing to get up and walk around!

Doc/Chloe:  We started Doc on his anxiety meds.  He pretty much zonked out from it at first and I freaked out, thought he OD'd, and ran to the front door to open it (he usually FLIPS).  Of course, that's exactly what happened and he snapped out of his tiredness pretty quick.  He seems to be feeling better though.  Chloe is acting very over protective of me.  She's a mom too.  I keep telling myself that if Chloe could do this, so can I.

39 Week Pic:
I had Joey take a quick pic before we went to dinner yesterday so it's not a mirror selfie this week.

1 comment:

  1. I completely forgot about the super moon this weekend! And you look totally great for 39 weeks pregnant. Seriously. Hmm... my guess is that this will be your last pregnancy post unless you do one like the day you go into labor. :) But 2 cm and 90% effaced is pretty awesome. Prayers for a smooth labor!
