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Monday, August 11, 2014


...and we're still here!  Not very shocking, because many first timers go past 40 weeks.  If I've learned anything through this, it's not to ask an expectant Mom or Dad "where the baby is" or "why they are still here" when they show up in the office... Joey has been taking the brunt of that for me at work, and he's pretty close to going off the deep end.

Last week's appointment was a crazy adventure.  I'll attempt to paraphrase in order to keep your interest.  We went in Weds morning for the 39 week appointment.  Everything was looking good, except baby's heart rate was a little bit high.  The doctor didn't seem too concerned but he did say he was going to send us down to the Labor & Delivery ward for a Non Stress Test and BioPhysical Profile (ultrasound).  He said everything was probably fine but that there was an easy fix if it wasn't.  (AHH!) Before we left, we asked out of curiosity how long he'd let the pregnancy go if I went over my due date.  He told us we could induce if we wanted, starting that day.  Cue me freaking out!!

Our doctor's office is attached to the hospital so it was a quick walk.  The L&D nurses were expecting us, and got me all checked into the hospital and set up on the monitors.  After we were left alone (the non stress test is basically me hooked up to a monitor for 30 mins to watch baby's heart/activity), the nerves totally kicked in.  We were worried about the baby being OK, wondering if we were having a baby THAT DAY, and then subsequently really nervous.

The nurses cut off the NST after 20 minutes because our daughter is an overachiever and passed with flying colors.  She also passed the ultrasound with flying colors (although it was REALLY cool to see a full term baby in there) and we went back to our triage room to wait for the verdict from the Doctor on call.  Well, we waited.  For an hour. and a half.  Suddenly, the door burst open and (my favorite) nurse flew in saying "no baby today! you are free to go home!".  This was both a relief and a total let down.  I had just started to accept the fact that I might be induced when we were kicked out and sent on our merry way.

The rest of last week was slow and agonizing.  Joey kept watching me like I would spontaneously produce a baby at any moment.  I got a little over excited when I had some false labor/more intense Braxton Hicks contractions on Thursday, but those proved fruitless.  Saturday, Joey realized I was going to flip out if he sat around watching me all day and so he finished up our kitchen floor with some quarter round (it looks awesome) and worked on tackling some of the ivy in our yard.  Sunday we went for 3 (THREE) walks under the alleged Super Moon, I drank raspberry leaf tea, ate eggplant, etc etc etc.

But here we are, on my due date.  Baby is not late, she's right on time.  Her time! So, without further ado, here is my 40 week update.

Date: August 11, 2014

How far along? 40 weeks

How is Mama doing? I feel good.  Sure, my hips are sore, but I honestly don't feel 'done'.  I feel like my body could handle being pregnant for much longer.  This is not a reassuring feeling, however. ;)

Weight Gain: My current total calculated weight gain according to my doctor's office is 21 pounds.  Remember, I have about 30 to lose :)  Still. Very optimal and very, very lucky.  Thankful for genetics and whatever else happened. No one, especially me, could have predicted this!

Sex of the baby: Because I'm not afraid to admit that I'm crazy, I asked them to check at our ultrasound this week.  Just in case, so I'd have time to re-paint the nursery...  Don't worry. It's a girl :)

Movement: We still have a very wiggly worm!

Maternity Clothes?  Really enjoying being able to wear what I want, the same thing I wore yesterday, or whatever I wore to sleep, and not having as much laundry because of it!

Pregnancy Fitness:  So much walking.  We did so much walking this week.  My neighbors probably think I am crazy.

Symptoms:  Sore hips.  Braxton Hicks contractions. Puffy fingers.  I think my face is puffy but Joey says it isn't.  Anxiety/fear about the unknowns of childbirth/pain/etc.

Belly Button:  It's week 40 and it's still technically an "innie".  Thank goodness.

Stretch Marks: None as of yet but I think they may show themselves on the way back in.  I'm planning to continue to use my oil (if I can remember/have the energy).

Nutrition/Cravings?  It's hard not to eat a ton of junk because I'm in the home stretch.  I'm making sure to continue to eat my veggies and fruits, but yes I am going to eat this entire box of chocolate donuts by myself over the next couple of days.  I deserve it :)

Sleep:  Tossing and turning all night but who cares.  We're never going to sleep again, right 293278 people that have told me that?? ;)

Looking Forward To:  MEETING MY BABY

What I miss:  Not much to miss because I know it's all going to be over soon.  Can't wait to get my hands on that Wawa turkey hoagie!!!

Doc/Chloe:  SO. NEEDY.  I think they know.  They know she's coming soon.  They must be attached to me at all times and work must be done from the couch because sitting at the dining room table results in Min Pins sitting on the floor staring up at me like little creepy statues. Yes, they run my life.  But only for another ~week.

40 Week Pics:
Even threw in a bare belly pic for you.

This is very likely going to be my last weekly update, so thank you for following along!! I'm looking forward to sharing the next part of this journey with you.  Just don't be mad if I go MIA for a little bit, k??


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