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Friday, May 24, 2013

The Year of the Cicada

If you don't live local to Northern VA, you might not know that we have been invaded by small, dumb, red-eyed aliens.  Yes, I am writing about Periodical Cicadas on my blog.  Judge if you must, but I want to look back and remember certain things about my 20s and this is a significant issue!

They are everywhere.  They come out of the ground every 17 years, and this was the year.  The dull roar of cicadas can be heard outside in the evenings and early mornings.  Their little skins are stuck all over my back porch and retaining wall. My dogs delight in pawing them until they break in half. 

It's so gross. In general, they are slow moving and not dangerous or malicious.  They are just material cicadas living in a material world.  But they are going to be around for the next month or so, and that is really cramping my style.

That song is in your head now, isn't it??

Happy Friday!


1 comment:

  1. Material cicadas, haha. I do not miss these guys. At. All. My dad sent me a picture this morning of them all lined up on the side of the house. And those red eyes!!
