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Thursday, January 31, 2013

You tell me...

My maternal grandfather, Paul Joe Giachetti, was a Captain in the US Merchant Marines.  He captained many cargo ships that sailed around the globe.  He watched me a lot when I was a kid, and I remember he told me frequently that when sailors die, they turn into seagulls.  Specifically, he told me he was going to turn into a seagull and poop on my head.  (Thanks, Pop Pop.) 

[This became particularly worrisome in October of 2010 when I remembered this as I prepared for my outdoor wedding... Luckily, Pop Pop decided not to poop on my really expensive wedding gown.]

My Pop Pop died on January 16, 2004.  On that day, I was in Walt Disney World with my dance team (and my Mother), at the Magic Kingdom.  We were there for Nationals, and we were spending a day at the parks.  We recieved notification of his passing right upon exiting the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  Eerie, right?? (He was a sailor, it is a boat ride...)

This brings us to January 16, 2013.  9 years later, to the day.  Strangely, our touring plans had us scheduled to be in the Magic Kingdom that day.  Joey's maternal grandfather, Paul Brooks, was very, very ill.  We knew it could be any day now, and we were particularly freaked out when Joey got a call from his Mom right when we got on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.  It turned out she was just calling to give us a status update, however. 

We went about our day, riding rides and taking pictures.  It wasn't until we got home from the trip that I logged into and saw this picture, taken that very day:

My first reaction was "That seagull TOTALLY photobombed our picture!!!"

My second reaction was "Holy S&%#!!"

Now, it's up to each of us to make our own determination here.  Was it mere coincidence that a seagull decided to fly over top of us right as this picture was taken?  I personally believe it was my Pop Pop, dropping in to say "Hey, I'm here. And I'm going to take good care of Joey's Grandpa, don't you worry."

I know Paul Giachetti and Paul Brooks have met each other by now.  They are probably enjoying some good jokes and stories about Joey and me as children, comparing stories of their daughters (Liane and Diane), or growing up dirt poor and becoming successful businessmen and loving fathers and husbands.

I find it comforting to know he is still watching over all of us.  I know we'll see him again, and I can't wait to hear what he thinks of all the shenanigans we've pulled since he's been gone!!! (Like, for example, the time my brother and I raided his stash of beer from the 1990s at my Grandmother's house....)



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