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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yet Another Weekend Round Up

I feel like all I ever do is write about what I did on the weekends. Maybe that's what happens when you are an adult?  The week is just too busy to do anything fun anymore :(

Oh well. I hope when my future children look back and read this blog they can at least know that I wasn't a total loser and had somewhat of a social life at one point...

This weekend started out like the last.  Joey went hunting at the property and I got Chik-Fil-A for dinner.   Me and the pins had a relaxing Friday night and went to bed early after watching a Duck Dynasty marathon and having a glass of wine.

Saturday, I ran a 1 miler with some girlfriends.  I wrote more about it on my other blog, but I wanted to share this pic of me and A Love in our fireman hats!!

After the run, I went to Maryland to visit my friend Gage and her family. I didn't take any pictures, but their new house is freaking GORGEOUS and has an amazing view.  They fed me dinner and we enjoyed some frozen cocktails before I headed back across the river. 

Sunday, Joey got home (sans deer, thank goodness) and we watched our teams play in a head to head match up.  Of course, the pins had to dress up too. 

The dogs loved the warmer weather and were in and out all day long.  One time, I came inside to find Joey gone and this playing on the computer:

Sometimes I wonder what I've really done....

Monday we had the day off from work for the Veteran's Day holiday observation.  We went to Walmart and got a few essentials which, I am embarassed to say I was QUITE excited about.  New vacuum cleaner, new "dust buster" (mini hand vac) and a few Christmas essentials.  This is the first time I've ever bought Christmas ANYTHING in November.  What is he doing to me?!?

We had planned to see a movie, but we decided not to at the last minute and went to lunch at Red Robin instead.

My lunch date
The rest of the day was spent at home, cleaning and putting away laundry.  There was a slight incident with the neighbor.  I don't want to write much about it in case it turns into a legal issue.  He's dumping leaves in our yard. He's wrong about the property lines.  That's about all I'm going to say ;)

I hope everyone has a great day/week!


1 comment:

  1. My parents also had that issue with neighbors dumping leaves into their lawn. People need to learn to clean up their own yard and not dump the mess into others. That's super frustrating. Hope it gets resolved soon!
