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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Our House Lately

While I don't have much of an update for you, I figured I'd show a few of the things we've done as of late. 

1. Cleaned up the walk-in closet a little bit.  

It was pretty much a disaster.  Swimming with dirty laundry, clothes all over the place, no rhyme or reason to where they hung.  So I did a little bit of organization, and I busted out those white bins you see on the top shelf.  I realized they would work perfectly up there, but I knew without a labeling system, the closet would remain a mess because I'd have to pull down multiple bins to find what I was looking for.  So I got "creative".  And by that I mean I came up with an idea that would probably have been really well executed and looked totally cute if I had the patience and artistic ability.  But I don't.

So I got some notecards and a silver sharpie, and wrote down what was in each bin ("Bathing Suits", "Tank Tops", "Shorts"), punched a hole, and tied each card to a bin with a pretty hair ribbon that I've been holding onto since probably highschool when I last wore hair ribbons.  (Who am I kidding... I wore them in college too...)

I also made extra cards for my wintertime clothes, and put those in the drawers in the guest rooms with my sweaters and will switch them out when it's time.

I felt proud of this little accomplishment. 

2. Hung our housewarming presents from Miss Amanda Love.

She drew those with charcoal.  These are replicas of wedding photos that our really good friend made for us.  They are absolutely gorgeous and they go perfectly with our black and white bedroom.  They are hanging above the bed.  I tried to be artistic about how I took this picture.


I also pretty much eyeballed it when I hung them, so they are not exactly centered or even, but you get the idea, right?? Maybe someday Joey will fix this...

3. Hanging Plants!!!

I feel like my Mom and my MIL have both made comments about how perfect our porch is for hanging plants.  So here they are!! We have two on each side.  Someday I will buy pretty planters to hang them in, but for now the planters match the shutters so I'm okay with it.

This weekend, Joey is planning on putting up the two ceiling fans on either side (in place of the ugly light in between the plants).  Add a couple white rocking chairs and BOOM porch=done.

.........And that's all she wrote.

I wasn't kidding. We haven't done much.  I owe you pics of the backyard/back porch/fence still and also a pic of the "gym" which has been painted and mirror hung, so we are slowly making basement progress. (At a snail's pace.)

That's it.

Happy Wednesday!


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