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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Parents Should Visit More Often...

I don't know what it is about an impending visit from my parentals, but it gets our rears in gear every time!  I'm not just talking cleaning the house, scrubbing the bathrooms, the usual stuff. I'm talking Joey taking the day off of work to paint the basement.

How freaking sweet is that?! Unfortunately, to repay him for his hours of backbreaking work, I now have to spend my evenings this week pulling down nasty wall paper trim and cleaning the basement bathroom... ugh.  I'd do it with wine-in-hand, however I'm kind of afraid of what might be floating around in the air down there. It's that gross.

Thanks to Joey's sudden motivation, I am beginning to see the light at the end of the long tunnel that has been our basement reno.  After the painting is done, trim cleaned, bathroom finished, we'll get the carpet installed and then we can move on with deciding what the heck to do with the basement.

Current plans for the main room are torn between a pool/air hockey table or a couch/tv.  The workout room is already set, and the back bedroom ("in-law suite") will probably chill for a while empty until we have enough cash to furnish it.

So anyway, YAY my parents are coming to visit this weekend! We have lots of great plans, including a cook out, show at Wolftrap, and some DC sights.  Plus the pins get to visit with their favoritest Auntie Dakota.

Let's hope that the rain doesn't wash away everybody's fun.

I'll be back later this week with a little write up of our Atlantic City trip as well as some progress update pics of the basement!



  1. Srsly, we aren't coming to see your BASEMENT!! You sillies!

  2. hahahaha you just said "srsly". hahahaha

  3. How about a Pin Playroom - toys, furniture, snacks, Pin-pool -- you know, the basics...
