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Monday, April 23, 2012

Trouble with a capital T.

Friday I was so happy to get out of work on time and get home with relatively little traffic.  It had been a long, crazy week with alot of working overtime and driving between locations.  I was really looking forward to a relaxing evening with a beer.   Joey was working late so I got home and let the dogs out and fed them dinner.  They wanted to go back outside so I went out to chaperone because they have had a bit of a project going on lately...

Now, I know you haven't seen much of our backyard but here is an old pic from last summer.  As you can see, the porch is relatively low to the ground.

As you can also see, a Miniature Pinscher can fit very easily underneath the porch.  But a human being cannot.  I have been asking Joey FOREVER to put up some chicken wire to keep them from going underneath there.  Who knows what could be under there?? Snakes? Spiders? ......Rabbits?

Oh yes.  Doc and Chloe figured out that a family of rabbits had moved in under the porch.  Just a few days ago they chased one out of the yard.  So while I'm waiting for Joey to cover up the 'entranceway', I've been escorting the dogs outside with treats in hand, just in case they need to be quickly distracted.

Well, long story short, I suddenly heard alot of rustling coming from under the porch.  Both dogs were under there and they were refusing to come out when I called them and offered treats.  Then I heard what hunters refer to a "rabbit-in-distress call"... except it was real and it was horrible.  There was nothing I could do.
The dogs were tag-team cornering the baby bunny under the porch.  They would not listen to me and I was FREAKING OUT. 

If you didn't know, Min Pins were bred to kill rats and other small animals in farm houses in Europe.  So you can imagine what happened next.....

Fast forward a proud Pin with his prize, an angry Mom, and 2 dogs locked up in the bathroom upstairs.

The dogs spent the rest of the weekend dying to go back outside.  I was disgusted and traumatized.  Joey came home, thought the whole thing was funny, and told me he thought it would be a good idea to put up the chicken wire now. 



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