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Friday, March 25, 2011

The Big Move

Nothing much exciting has been going on lately due to our lives being consumed with house hunting and moving.

We've been going through a lot of shenanigans with (what we thought was) the house of our dreams. To make a long story short, the selling agent has been more than unresponsive and unhelpful. It's still floating out there somewhere, but we have found a better house in the same neighborhood that we are hoping will turn out to be our dream home.

We've been told that buying a house is an emotional rollercoaster, and I was prepared to deal with that. But apparently I am married to Mr. Instant Gratification, so it has been less than pleasant dealing with his freak-outs every time something goes wrong. But it's also pretty cute listening to him talk about his "man-cave" and how he's going to paint everything and what he's going to do with the backyard etc.

In the mean time, we are moving out of our apartment an into the in-laws. This will definitely make for some hilarious blogs so get excited about that. But don't get me wrong- I love my in-laws and I really think I lucked out. Anyway, so here we are packing up 2 years of junk, wedding gifts that haven't even been opened, SOMEBODY's ridiculous AV equipment, too many clothes and shoes, and a small dog- who I guess thinks we are going to forget to pack him because he's been freaking out lately.

Tomorrow's the big day and I am just ready to get it over with. Leaving this apartment is definitely a little sentimental for me. It was the first place I lived without roommates (for like a month before Joey moved in) and we actually got engaged right there in the bedroom. I'm going to take a bunch of pictures and I'll be sure to post some throughout the process of moving. As well as some pictures of our new basement home, which we will share with approximately 10-12 mounted animal heads ranging from deer, to turkeys, and wild boars. Oh and a huge bass.

Well, I'll be back with a likely riveting story of our move and all the fun details. Joey's Uncle Jon (a complete character worthy of his own blog post) is the ringleader of this expedition and I can only expect major shenanigans from what I've seen and heard in the past. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend, and a special shout out to SO MANY of my good friends and former teammates who are in Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders Final Auditions tomorrow, and Washington Redskins Cheerleaders Auditions Day 1 tomorrow!! SO proud of all of you and I love you!!!

Coach Sarah

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