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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Week 20

Lot's of fun developments this week!

First of all, my belly definitely popped out!  Wednesday morning I woke up and went into the bathroom to check (I guess to make sure it's still there?) and it was much rounder than ever before!  This is exciting because when you are 19 weeks pregnant and you wake up with a flat belly, it's freaky. 

I also spent the weekend cleaning out the last of Baby Gish's room.  It is completely empty now save for some ugly fail-curtains and some pictures on the walls.  Next step is to vaccuum, clean the baseboards, and magic-eraser the walls.

Secondly, we picked up the crib on Sunday.  It looks great and I think it will go great with our ideas for the room decor. 

Finally, we had our 20 week ultrasound. We don't have our appointment until Friday, though, so we won't really know anything else until then.  In my expert opinion, everything looked good :)

Something that was fun about this ultrasound is that it calculated the size of the baby and then gave us a new due date based on that: Aug 13th.  So... 2 days different from our original one of Aug 11th.  So basically, we're right on track!

Other fun notables: I'm starting to get asked about good dates for a baby shower.  Which means it's time to register! 

Date: March 24, 2014 (I filled this out on Monday)

How far along? 20w (According to our u/s the baby weighs 11oz (almost a pound!) and is as long as a banana)

How is Mama doing? Still doing great. Still no major complaints.  I was thinking the other day that it's funny how I'm nit-picking about things that are bothering me.  I bet if I look back at this pregnancy in a few years I'm going to roll my eyes at myself.  I know I'm getting off easy and I'm very thankful for that.

Weight Gain:   Still chillin in the same range. Although I'm sure at my appointment on Friday they'll tell me I've gained 20 pounds or something.

Sex of the baby: It's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYY now I can tell everyone!

Movement:   Lots more movement this week.  It's slowly getting stronger and more frequent.  The baby is definitely awake in the evening/night time.  And any time I drink something sugary or eat a lot.  It feels weird... not like I expected it to.  When she does summersaults I can feel her floating up in my belly.  A few jabs here and there, but no major kicks or punches which I guess is what I was expecting to feel?

Maternity Clothes?  I placed another order with Motherhood last week.  I know some people say not to buy maternity underwear but I like how it fits. Also, I need new underwear anyway because Chloe likes to snack on it...

Also, a small rant about maternity clothes: I KNOW they make the tops bigger because your girls are going to get bigger, but I lit-er-al-ly don't have a single maternity shirt that doesn't show my bra straps.  Highly annoying when you are just trying to find something to wear out to dinner or go to work without looking like a hooker.

Pregnancy Fitness:  Another week, another fail. I feel like I should get points for all the housework I did this weekend though. 

Symptoms: I found myself at a Mary Kay event last week so I ended up with some real facewash which should help with my breakouts.  This week's major development is that my hips are killing me when I wake up in the mornings. Sleeping on my side SUCKS.  I've gone back to putting a pillow between my legs but it's a huge pain.  I'm still working through figuring out the best way to deal with this.

Belly Button:  Innie

Stretchmarks?  None

Nutrition/Cravings? I changed this to "Nutrition/Cravings" so I could also talk about what I'm eating or not eating considering that has been a much bigger factor than I had anticipated.  I thought pregnant=hungry all the time.  I didn't realize it meant hungry, but not for anything in particular, and not interested in 99% of what you are offered.  Eating is a struggle and I'm lucky that Joey likes to cook because I am definitely not interested in cooking, let alone eating.  Breakfast and Lunch are pretty easy- cereal or a bagel and some fruit, some decaf coffee or OJ, Lunch is usually a PB&J sandwich with some chips and carrots and pudding or something, snacks are easy and range from greek yogurt to a bowl of ice cream (whatev).  But dinner is stressful.  I usually just tell Joey to decide because I don't want anything.  Last night we had an awesome dinner that he concocted- crockpot ribs with baked beans and green beans. 

In terms of cravings, I'm so annoyed with myself and I don't even want to admit but all I wanted last week was a fresh salad.  With an emphasis on fresh tomatoes.  I told Joey this one night and when I got home from work he was hard at work in the kitchen cutting piles of random vegetables- it was so awesome.  It probably means that my body needed the nutrients from the salad, so that's probably bad. But it also just makes me hate myself because really... WHO CRAVES SALAD?! Why don't I go take my bunny food and eat a carrot. Jeez.  Embarassing.

Sleep:   Aside from the killer pain in my hips, sleep is going OK.  It's almost time to order a body pillow I think.  I've gotten better at dealing with the middle of the night wakeups.  Also, my body is slowly adjusting to daylight savings time.  Apparently when you are pregnant this wreaks more havoc on your body than you realize! 

Looking Forward To:  Getting baby girl's room set up and creating our baby registry!

What I miss: I miss my book club! There. I said it.  I haven't been in months because of various reasons and I have to miss March's meeting too :(  I am really hoping I can make it to April's meeting.

Doc/Chloe:  They are adjusting well to having another thing in the bed- the pillow between my legs.  Which is annoying, because when I go to flip over, I realize Doc is actually sleeping on the pillow, between my legs, under the covers.  I don't need a lecture to realize that the dogs need to not be in the bed... but it's definitely time to start working on that.

Weekly wisdom: I'm taking this out from now on until I have something good to say.

Other: I hadn't really had a chance before now to say what a great job Joey is doing.  He has been really amazing through this whole first 20 weeks.  He deals with my irrational emotions and reassures me when I'm worrying and cleans the kitchen and does the laundry without mentioning the fact that I hadn't touched either in DAYS.  He has really stepped it up and it means a lot to me.  (It doesn't mean you are getting a motorcycle or a boat though, honey.)  But I wanted to make sure he got some ups on the blog because I don't want him to think it's all going unnoticed.


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