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Monday, March 10, 2014

Week 18

Fun things happening all around! We get several days in the 60 degree range this week! I'm so excited about that. Also, I have started the beginning stages of working on the baby's room. 

I was chatting with a co-worker earlier in the week and she casually mentioned that it's a good idea to have everything ready somewhere in the 7th month because you don't know how things will go.  She has a good point, and yes I do realize that newborns need nothing more than a bassinet, diapers, and a boob.  But it was kind of a wake up call, too.  I'm 4.5 months pregnant and I've been flitting around complaining about "where is my bump?" and worrying about something happening or going wrong, and I haven't been focusing on the reality: we're having a baby. So after, a small freakout ("I don't know anything about babies!"), I decided to get my rear in gear and the first step is cleaning out the room and getting it ready.

I started throwing things away and moving things to the basement (like 2 tubs of wedding stuff...what I will ever do with them I don't know). I found our room keys from our honeymoon, the contents of my Red Rockers notebook, 3 unopened packages of stickers (woohoo!), old race bibs-some unused thanks to too much wine the night before, a bag of old clothes to donate which I will be adding to, and Doc's very first collar. It was so tiny!

But enough about that... here's your weekly stats!

Date: March 10, 2014

How far along? 18w (Baby is the size of a bell pepper)

How is Mama doing? Still doing really well.  Because of my anxious personality, I'm having a hard time appreciating the fact that I'm having a smooth/easy pregnancy and instead I'm worrying about "what it all means".  Seriously. I want to punch myself in the face sometimes.

Weight Gain:   +2.5

Sex of the baby: I'm assuming somebody will out us before we get to make our grand announcement. I just want to get my eyes on that little butt one more time at our 20 week u/s in 2 weeks.

Movement:   I can feel little flutters here and there but nothing constant yet.  I whipped out the doppler (did I tell you I rented a doppler?) a couple times in the last week just to ease my mind.  It's a handy thing to have but I don't want to bother the baby too much so I'm trying not to check more than once or twice in a week.  According to "What to Expect", it's normal to feel movement and then not feel movement for a while at this stage. The baby is still pretty small.

Maternity Clothes? My gigantic order from Old Navy arrived this weekend and I'm officially set (for the time being...).  I still can't wear any of the empire waist shirts because it looks awkward. But I have some great, longer sweaters/shirts that look nice for work so I'm pretty excited about that.  I'm modeling one below.

Pregnancy Fitness:  Umm... heh heh... let's skip this question for this week, shall we?  I promise to do better next week.

Symptoms: My skin has started to break out a bit more on my face.  Nothing too crazy.  Also I noticed about 5 pimples on my back.... ew.  I never had any bacne even when I was a teenager.  So I can definitely say this is pregnancy-related.

Belly Button:  Still an innie!

Stretchmarks?  No new ones, although I noticed an old one that is starting to bother me. I don't think it has changed at all but I think since I am looking for them it's bugging me. I need to order more Belli Oil.

Cravings? Still waiting on those cheese curls, Laura! No real cravings although the food aversions kind of came back this week. Nothing like the first tri because I can force myself to eat almost anything, but I'm just not interested in eating things like meat and vegetables.  Fruit, yogurt, cereal, and anything sweet is fine.  So breakfast and lunch are usually good. Dinner time is a bit challenging.

Sleep:   I'm trying to start working on not sleeping on my stomach. And it's hard.  I'm basically flipping over from side to side all night.  I'm also dealing with a fat Miniature Pinscher who likes to share pillows- although apparently she got tired of my crap last night and moved to the crate.  Let's hope this becomes a thing.

Looking Forward To:  Planning the nursery with my girlfriends, our 20 week sono, NICE WEATHER (come on, Spring!), upcoming little getaway to VA Beach. I think that's enough for now.

What I miss: Being able to shop in any old store.  Not everyone sells maternity clothes :(

Doc/Chloe: I realized this week that Doc has taken it upon himself to escort me to the bathroom in the middle of the night- every.single.time.  I didn't realize this until recently, but one night where I had like 3 bathroom trips (drank a liiiitttle too much water before bed) I noticed that each time he would dutifully jump out of bed, follow me to the bathroom, wait by the door while I did my business, and then look over his shoulder and wait for me to turn off the light before leading me back to bed. 

Weekly wisdom: I got nothing this week.

I took my weekly first-thing-in-the-morning pic in my pj's. But I wanted to illustrate how much more my bump is accentuated when I put on clothes.  So you get two pictures this week.  Also, by the end of the day, it's much bigger.  It's mostly bloat/water, but it's still fun.  It has really started to grow over the past week!

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