Saturday night Joey was at the property so A Love came over to help me visualize the baby's room (nursery?). She brought with her the awesome painting she created that will be the centerpiece of the room, and then helped me by taping up dimensions on the floor/walls, picking out the paint color (which Joey approved! YAY) and talking about decorative ideas. Words cannot express how thankful I am to have someone else who is very interested in this and who is good at interior decorating... because it all seems way overwhelming to me. (PS: I'll do a dedicated post on the room theme sometime soon.)
Major progress was made this weekend in terms of baby registries. I basically finished them and now I'm just going to tweak based on advice and additional research. I have 3 registries because of where people are located and because of pricing differences in the stores. The thing with a baby registry is that for the most part, even if you don't recieve it as a gift, you still need it! Joey and I also went out yesterday in the pouring rain to test out strollers. He was really into the joggers so we're going in that direction- he was "testing" them out in the aisles. We also looked at carseats and checked out some of the stuff I registered for "in real life".
Date: March 31, 2014
How far along? 21w (Baby is the size of a carrot)
How is Mama doing? Doing well, no complaints. Starting to get excited about having a baby in the house. Not that I wasn't before, but I'm feeling a little more prepared now that I've learned a bit about what babies need. Although with the learning came a bunch of reading about scary things like SIDS and worries that I hadn't yet thought of. So that's fun.
Weight Gain: VINDICATION! At my 20 week appointment Friday, the nurse who weighed me said "Oh! you lost 5 pounds since last appointment." Which was the perfect opportunity for me to say "No, the nurse that weighed me last time didn't even wait for the scale to balance before she declared my weight and I knew it was wrong." Not that anyone cares about this but me.... but it sure was nice to be weighed correctly for once! Now if I could get them to go back and correct the other entry that is wrong. Sigh.
Sex of the baby: Our Dr. mentioned that the fact that the radiologist wrote "female" in the summary means that they are really sure it's a girl :)
Movement: Tons of movement and definitely getting stronger. I notice it usually after I eat something, and a lot of movement in the evenings/when I'm going to bed. I don't feel it all the time, though, and I know that's normal for this stage. I also found out that I have an anterior placenta (it's in the front of my uterus) which provides some extra cushioning and could make the kicks harder to feel. (Nothing bad about an anterior placenta, btw.) I haven't been able to feel much on the outside yet.
Maternity Clothes? I really need to buy some nursing bras. (I'm writing it here because it's clothing related.) But I don't want to! They are so expensive! I had one in my hand at Buy Buy Baby the other day and I put it back because I didn't want to spend the money. I know I will have to eventually but I just wasn't ready yet.
Pregnancy Fitness: I hung out with my bff Denise Austin twice this week! She's so pretty to look at but I have to keep it on mute because her voice annoys the crap out of me...
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Symptoms: Not too much going on in symptom land. I can usually tell when baby is growing because I'm hungrier than normal and usually have some light cramping. So, I'm pretty sure she was growing this weekend. I don't have too much of a breakout, but my face is kind of splotchy in places (I get random hives that I think are hormone related? I'd get them before pregnancy too) and it would probably benefit everyone if I wore some makeup to work....
Belly Button: Innie
Stretchmarks? None. Got some new oil- I guess BBB discontinued their relationship with Belli so I got a new brand. We'll see how it goes!
Nutrition/Cravings? Did great this past week but now all the fresh food has been eaten so I need to get back to the grocery store STAT. The only craving I really had was yesterday when I woke up and had a hot dog for second breakfast (no so great). (First breakfast was at 6am when I woke up STARVING and had a bowl of Special K Redberries.) Joey was craving Five Guys yesterday so I generously allowed him to go and get me some too :)
Sleep: Haven't sprung for the pregnancy pillow yet. Sleeping with a pillow between my legs has definitely helped with my hip pain. Still waking up in the middle of the night but for the most part, going well and definitely getting more used to sleeping on my side.
Looking Forward To: Putting the nursery all together!
What I miss: Spring. I know that's not pregnancy related but whatever. It freaking SNOWED yesterday. It's the last day of March. COME ON.
Doc/Chloe: I've mentioned it before but I just love how when Joey goes out of town these two take turns on "watch" at night. Normally we all sleep under the covers but when he's not home they take turns sitting on the edge of the bed looking towards the door.
21 Week Pics:
From the front |
aaand from the side |