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Friday, June 22, 2012

Quick Round-Up

Hellooooo strangers! Long time no read, eh?? Life’s been a little busy around these parts.  Between my dance performance, a trip to the beach, and another weekend already upon us, I feel like I don’t have any time to put together a blog post before I’m off to the next activity!

Since I have no pictures readily available, I’m just going to jot down a few quick points that may (or may not) be of interest to you.

1. I have officially entered into 2012.  Like other bloggers before me, my old blackberry has been the victim of a cracked and bleeding screen for about 2 months.  I was dismayed to learn that my new-every-two wasn’t up until November, however a friend of my Mom’s won a brand new Droid at a raffle and was willing to sell it to me for half price! Score!  So now I’m the proud owner of a Droid Razr.  The transition from blackberry to smart phone has been very interesting thus far.  I’ve downloaded a bunch of apps and spelled a lot of things wrong while trying to type on the touch-screen.  The most exciting thing, for me, is that I can finally have Instagram! Which means more Pin Pics for you! YAY!

2. Birthday Party Planning:  I owe an entire post on this, I realize.  The house is slowly filling up with Civil War memorabilia.  The mailbox is chock full each day of pamphlets and booklets about local Civil War sites.  Robert E. Lee is in my dining room.  Get excited for the great battle to come…

3. Take your Dog to Work Day: …Is today.   I’m not participating L Breaks my heart.

4. Chicken Cordon-Bleu.  Watching Rachel Ray while at the beach, Joey decided he was going to make it.  And he did a great job! It didn't look like Rachel's.... but it sure tasted good! I was super impressed. 

5. Running: I know I said I wouldn’t. I just wanted to notify you that we are scheduled for a 5 mile run this weekend. This will be Joey’s official longest run ever.  His previous long was 4.97, which is an 8K.  Makin big moves!!

6. Other fun weekend plans: Top Golf tonight with some close friends, then teaching a technique class to a high school dance team tomorrow AM.  Then spending the weekend avoiding the inevitable yard work that NEEDS to be done.

Hope everybody stays cool this weekend.  Remember to drink a ton of water and keep an eye on your pets!


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