WOW It has been a while! And before I sincerely apologize, let me just riddle you with excuses.
1. We went on a cruise for an entire week
2. When we got back I had 6 hours of dance rehearsal (oh yeah, I joined a company!)
3. This week I was out of the office/extremely busy for the part where I was actually IN the office.
So now that I'm done making excuses, let's move onto why I'm at home on a Saturday night. Totally called myself out right there. Pathetic. Truth is, we were so busy today, I'm not completely upset that I'm at home tonight. Although I really do wish I could've made it to my bff's Halloween Party. But the weather seemed to have other plans. And if you are anywhere on the eastern seaboard, you'll notice it's snowing/sleeting/freezing raining/justplaincold. So there goes that. So we're flipping between Twilight and Toy Story 3 and drinking Coors Light. MAN we are so classy I can't stand it.
Re-winding slightly so I can talk about the dance thing. There is a local dance company right here in Woodbridge- and I decided to audition for their winter show. After the audition I didn't hear anything for almost 2 weeks. I was convinced I didn't make it. I even had a DREAM that I didn't make it. That's how certain I was. And then I got the e-mail that said "Congratulations! You are part of 2 pieces and you are going to have 6 hour rehearsals and not be able to walk for an entire week!" Actually.... it just said 'Congratulations'. But you can figure out the rest/why I've been feeling sorry for myself all week. Just yesterday I made it up and down the stairs for the first time without grasping the railings for dear life..........
Such a long update, I know. Now where are those cruise pictures?? Most of you have probably already seen them on Facebook... but here are a few of my favorites. Let me recap our weeklong cruise by saying:
We had a great time. The weather wasn't so drank. Alot.
Guys. We re-made the "I'm on a Boat" video. It's AWESOME. Be prepared. I'll share the link. |
Our entire crew on embarkation. BEFORE we embarassed ourselves. |
Just a few friends that couldnt make it. Funny story- I was approached by a lady with her friend-on-a-stick to take a picture with my overly priced drink-in-a-discoball. And I whipped out these little babies and we all died laughing. The end. |
This is the only appropriate picture from Senor Frogs. OK kidding but wow what a classy place... |
Do we know these girls? Nope. |
I know! Let's illegally climb onto the lifeboat pavilion. What a great idea. |
Well. I'm sure you're as anxious as I am to see what Amanda comes up with in terms of the "I'm on a Boat" video. IF you don't know what I'm talking about, A) I can't be your friend and B)
click here.
I really hope you forgive me for sucking. I'm not sure I even forgive myself. But anyway... it's been a long day of car-fixing (who waits until 1 day before their registration expires to realize they need an emissions test, fails the test, and decides to make her husband fix her car?? me.), value city furniture shopping (new kitchen table!), kohls shopping (Joey desparately needed a couple suits for work), and pumpkin carving.
I hope everybody has a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!