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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Life Lately

Now that the Trip Report sequence is over, I can get back to blogging about ___?
I figured I'd do a little update since I've been "away" for a while...

In the 2.5 weeks since we’ve returned from Disney:

-Joey caught (and I subsequently caught) a nasty cold.  We were both down for the count for almost a week.  I’m still a little coughy and sniffly.

-Due to said cold, I was at home on the day when everyone in DC had the worst commute of their lives.  Joey was not excluded from this- it took him 5 hours to get home from work last Wednesday.  (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, click here.)

-I got bold and…. Cut my hair off!  Ok, not all of it.  But a good 4 inches are gone, and it feels great.  My husband was disappointed because he thought I was “going to look like a whole new person”… but we won’t go into that.

Disregard the no makeup/workout clothes...

-And the best thing that’s happened…. Always needs a story.

The day before we left for Disney, we got some awesome news!  We have been pre-approved for a mortgage loan.  Which means we can officially start looking at houses!  Since we went to Disney, we kind of didn’t really do anything for the first week or so.  But as of this weekend, our search has officially begun.

Currently we are taking a look at what’s out there.  We are going to move further away from DC, most likely south.  Although I have friends wanting us to move west… we’ll see.  We are looking at what fits into our price range, has good schools for our potential children to attend, and ya know, isn’t a POS. 

This Sunday we went out and just looked at a bunch of places.  It is so funny to me the way people decorate their houses.  We saw homes that were clearly occupied by Grandparents, we saw some crazy kid bedrooms with neon green walls, and we saw wallpaper.  A lot of it.  We saw a house with the light switches 4 feet off the ground... and we saw houses that were just plain dirty.  We saw really nice interiors, granite countertops (yes please!) and whirpool bathtubs.

And that’s pretty much all I have to report.  The search has begun, and we are very excited.   I’m excited to have a yard of some sort for Doc to run around in (and also not to have to take him out at 5am every morning).  Joey’s excited about his “Man Cave” (must there always be a Man Cave?).  We’re both excited about how we are going to decorate, what room we are going to buy furniture for first, and everything in between.

Of course we need to find a house first….


PS: My nails match my sweater today. I'm that girl.

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