How many? 4 months! ~18.5 weeks today
Recent Stats? We just had our four month check up. Abby did great. She was so calm that even the nurses asked if she's always like that. While she was sitting there on her Dad's lap, I noticed for the first time how she really has control over her head now and also how plump she is getting. Anyway... to the stats! Big girl weighs in at 14 lbs 7 oz, and is now 60 percentile for weight. She is 25.5 inches long and 90 percentile for length. She's also 60 percentile for head circumference if you care.
Clothes size? We're going strong in 3 month size, although some of the 3 month footies are getting to be too short. My Mom grabbed a 9 month size sleeper out of the closet by accident and it actually FIT her, albeit a bit baggy. We're probably going to start transitioning to 3-6 and 6 month soon.
Diaper size? Still in size 1 although this new realization that she weighs 14+ pounds tells me that it's time for us to move up. That and she's had a couple blow outs lately, which is usually your telltale sign that it's time.
Feeding? This baby is on the best schedule. Every 3 hours. Eat, play, sleep. Done and done. 4 ounces 6 times a day. 1.5-2 hour naps. We have been given the green light by our doctor to start solid foods! This is crazy to me. How are we here already?! She also said Abby is beginning TEETHING. WHAT?! I plan to ease into rice cereal over the next month or two. I'm not exactly in a rush. But Abby is still taking an interest in what we are eating so I think she will be ready.
In process of grabbing at my sticker |
Sleeping? Our little trap baby is also a great sleeper. She goes down every night around 8 and wakes up around 5 (which is when we get up for work. I know what you are thinking.) Lately she has been waking up once per night for a feeding. If this is the dreaded 4 month sleep regression, I'll take it. We also officially transitioned into her bedroom/the crib. Such a big girl :( I still have the pack n play set up next to my bed... just in case... :(
Yelling, kicking, etc. |
Personality? Very easy going. Calm and quiet- likes to take in her surroundings. She loves to watch the animals. She particularly likes Doc. She thinks her Dad is hysterical. I can't really get her to laugh too often but she does laugh at him. She did her first belly laugh the other day, but I guess that counts for the 5 month update since this one is late ;)
Milestones? (Update on this section: basically I google "X Month Milestones" and write down all the ones she has accomplished. This is for me to look back on, perhaps with subsequent babies. I'm not too concerned about her hitting every single milestone, being late, early, or skipping one altogether.)
Rolled over both ways, but doesn't really care about rolling often
Can hold up head 90 degrees when on stomach, when helped into propped up position *still hates TT
Can hold/let go of an object, can pick it back up depending on what it is and where it fell
Holds head up when sitting
Laughs out loud (sometimes). I haven't figured out how to get her laughing yet.
Makes tons of eye contact, recognizes us, recognizes the bottle, etc.
Voices her displeasure if we do something she doesn't like (put her down, take the bottle away, etc)
Coos/"chatters"/gurgles/M/B consonants
Fun pictures from our Fourth month:
Oh, hey! Didn't see you there. |
This is my blue monkey. It's my favorite toy. |
Sooooo sick of Mom taking pictures of me. |
Up to no good |
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With my Grandmothers |
Being silly in my blanket with my paci and Taggie |
Me and Mom |
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Me and Santa <3 xoxoxox I've been a good girl!!!!! |
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