Baby Abby is one month old! Time has flown by, but during the day it feels like it's creeping. How is that possible? My little newborn has officially graduated to "infant". I'm slightly sad. Is this how I'm going to feel when she goes to kindergarten? Juuust kidding.
I'm going to fill out a little survey much like I did with my pregnancy posts. It'll help us all keep tabs on how our little munchkin is growing and changing.
How many months? 1 month!
Recent Stats? Her latest Doctor's visit was at 4 weeks. She now weighs 8 pounds 5 ounces and is 22 inches long. She's gained almost a pound and a half and grown 2 inches since birth. She's a growing machine! She's in the 26th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height, which means she's long and skinny. Not that she's too thin, though. The doc commended us again on her great weight gain!
Clothes size: Still wearing newborn size. 0-3 months is still a little big. I'm ok with it because everyone told me she'd grow out of her newborn clothes too quickly and she'd never be able to wear them all. Thank goodness she's proved them wrong!
Diaper size: Still fitting comfortably in newborns, but we've started transitioning her to size 1 because that's what we have more of in the house.
Breastfeeding: It's going better. We hit a real hiccup earlier this week after a sudden trip to Pennsylvania screwed up our routine and left me really sore. I ended up pumping/bottle feeding for an entire day to give myself a chance to heal and it was exhausting. Next up, a meeting with a lactation consultant to see if we can work on her latch a bit. I have to say that I would have definitely quit already if it hadn't been for my extremely supportive husband. We can do this!
Sleeping: Abby is still a good sleeper. She's sleeping for longer periods during the night (4-5 hours or more), and 2-3 hours during her daytime naps. We're still not on a schedule and I blame myself for that because it's so hard to get up in the morning if we didn't get a lot of sleep the night before. My goal for her 2nd month is to get her on a good/somewhat predictable schedule. She is sleeping mostly in the pack n play in our room. Never in our bed. She has slept in her crib a few times as well. This girl is totally versatile and easy going.
Personality: Newborns are pretty much little blobs. But over the past ~2 weeks I have noticed a huge difference. Abby has been a very alert and active baby since the beginning. Recently she has started to babble a little bit, and she started smiling in the past week or so. She is really easy going and doesn't fuss unless she's hungry or bored. My kinda girl.
Milestones: Smiling, babbling, following objects with her eyes, focusing on our faces, holding her head up (for a short amount of time), reaching for objects (maybe)
This one was kind of short but I have a feeling these updates will get longer as our girl gets bigger and starts accomplishing more things. It won't be long before she's writing us to tell us how her first semester on full scholarship at Harvard is going... ;)
Here are a few more pics before we go. These are some things Abby 'likes' to do:
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Tummy Time... er... falling asleep during Tummy Time |
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Going for walks in the stroller with Mom |
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Getting a bottle from Dad |
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Babbling to Duffy/Steamboat Willie |
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