Sorry this is a little late... yikes. Starting them late already.
We had a great 3 day weekend, got lots of relaxing done as well as lots of laundry. We're getting excited for Disney!
Date: Feb 18, 2014
How far along? 15w 1d (Baby is the size of an apple)
How is Mama doing? Feeling pretty good. Enough so that every time someone asks me how I'm feeling I kind of get annoyed. I'm feeling pretty normal. The stabbing pain largely went away after getting that prenatal massage (looks like I'll be going back for more!) and the only real issue I had this week was some really bad tummy cramps from not drinking enough water/eating enough fiber (to put it in a nice way).
Weight Gain: Weighed myself last night which is not my usual time of day, but according to the scale I gained 2.5 pounds in a week. I'm going to guess that 1-1.5 of that is water/food/clothing but since I'm too lazy to do it again, we'll just say that I'm up +.5 (i was -2 last week).
Sex of the baby: We're going to sneak a peek in the very near future to see if we can tell the sex of the baby early via elective ultrasound. No big announcements will be made until the official 20 week ultrasound at the end of March. Get your votes in!
Movement: Still haven't felt any movement.
Maternity Clothes? Still wearing a mix. At home, I'm wearing mostly Joey's shorts and tee shirts. All my workout stuff is too tight around the waist and I like the baggy tee shirts because they are more comfortable. I rocked Kappa Sig shorts like it was my job all day Sunday and Monday.
Pregnancy Fitness: This week I did some treadmill walking and some halftime dancing- My college dance team does an alumni performance every year at homecoming. I figured one last year wouldn't hurt. It was a great workout and showed me how far I can push myself cardio-wise. I've been kind of a weenie about "hurting the baby" but this showed me that I am capable of doing far soon as I can walk again ;)
Symptoms: Dehydration/headaches/stomach cramps. All because I'm having some trouble staying hydrated. I feel like I am drinking a ton of water but I'm not drinking enough, apparently.
Belly Button: Still looks like your average belly button.
Stretchmarks? No new ones. I was thinking last night they'll probably wait to show up until like week 39 when I just don't care anymore.
Cravings? Not craving anything. I will take this opportunity to share that I ordered pizza for us the other night and somehow missed that it said "BBQ" for sauce. BBQ sauce on a pizza, while it sounds like it might be a weird pregnancy craving, is actually disgusting.
Sleep: Still the same, just waking up to go to the bathroom. Still able to sleep on my stomach, which is nice.
Looking Forward To: Our sneak peek u/s!
What I miss: Being fun. I am no fun anymore. I hope the funness comes back :(
Doc/Chloe: are super excited that Grandma Davis is here visiting for a couple of days! (She's staying at the Gish Hotel for a work meeting.)
Weekly wisdom: Drink more water!!!
Other: I thought I should mention that I already had my glucose test. I have a family history of diabetes so I had to do the test at 13 weeks instead of 28 (oh but don't worry, I get to do it again!). In all honesty, the "fruit punch" tasted pretty good.... and I passed!
This week's picture below. Looks like a beer belly... not a baby :(
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Monday, February 10, 2014
14 Week Bumpdate
I took this survey from several Mom-bloggers I follow and picked out my favorite questions to answer. I actually started doing this survey the day I found out.... My answers were alot like "Don't feel any different. Um.. none. Nothing. Nothing." SO I decided to wait a few more weeks to start doing them again. THEN the exhaustion kicked in. And here we are at 14 weeks. So without further ado...
Date: Feb 10, 2014
How far along? 14w 0d (Baby is the size of a lemon)
How is Mama doing? Feeling so much better lately. Energy is definitely back, as is my appetite. Two things that were missing for a really long time and I wondered if I'd ever want to leave my house ever again. New this week is some sciatic/nerve pain that pretty much feels like I'm being stabbed in the a$$. Good times.
Weight Gain: Since we're being perfectly honest here, I'll admit that I was +10 before I even GOT pregnant. I am going to blame this partially on going off BCP but also partially on drinking alot of wine because "I'm not going to be able to drink for a while!". That said, though, due to my severe lack of appetite/interest in eating ANYTHING during the first trimester, I'm actually still down -2. I'm ok with that. I know it will alllll come back.
Sex of the baby: [The original survey said "Gender". There is actually a difference between sex and gender. The sex refers to the reproductive parts on the baby- which is what I believe we are talking about here.] Anyway- I have no idea. I have tried to have motherly instinct but I got nothing. As (I think) is common with most couples, I'd love a baby girl and Joey would love a baby boy. So while we will be thrilled with a healthy baby, one of us will be extra thrilled ;)
Movement: Haven't felt anything yet.
Maternity Clothes? My friend/coworker gave me 2 huge bags of maternity clothes which I welcomed with open arms. My pants are starting to feel a little tight so I'm quickly running out of options for work. She gave me 3 Bella Bands which have saved my life as well as basically a whole new wardrobe. I won't have to start from scratch, THANK GOODNESS. So, with all this new stuff, I'm basically wearing a mix. I feel a little silly since I don't have a bump to speak of, but it's all about being comfortable!
Pregnancy Fitness: My original goal was to work out in some way 3 times per week. I've been doing a good job at maybe once per week. This needs to change. I have been pretty good about doing prenatal yoga, and I think I need to add a short walk/run and some light strength training.
Symptoms: As I said above, the new symptom this week is the pain in the butt. I booked myself a prenatal massage for tomorrow (too soon? I don't care) and I believe this is the literal kick in the a$$ I need to get myself moving again. Now that I have the energy, I don't have an excuse.
Belly Button: I have a belly button.
Stretchmarks? I prefer the term “zebra stripes". No new stretch marks at this time. I've been using Belli oil for a while now.
Cravings? Haven't had any cravings at all. Sometimes I'll see something on TV and go "that looks good" but I really haven't craved anything. I've been interested in sugary cereal and fruit snacks lately.
Sleep: I generally wake up to go to the bathroom and then I'm stuck awake for about 2 hours every night. This is further complicated by the fact that I'm now sleeping with a pillow in between my legs to try to help my hips.
Looking Forward To: Baby's first trip to Disney World (in utero).... in 2 weeks!
(Fun Fact: I also visited Disney World in utero.)
What I miss: Wawa turkey hoagies.
Doc/Chloe: They both are interested in snuggling up to my belly lately, but I don't know if that means they know or just that they are cold because Joey keeps the fan on at night...
Weekly wisdom: Try not to worry about everything. I had a sudden realization earlier this week while I was googling my 4th thing for the day. In the end, our bodies know what to do. We just need to fuel them properly and make sure not to do anything too crazy. Worrying won't help anything.
Aaaand since my belly hasn't changed all that much in the past 2 weeks, I'm posting the 12 week photo since I look much cuter than I do in the 14 week photo that I took this morning...
Note: You will not always get a bare belly pic so don't get too excited.
Date: Feb 10, 2014
How far along? 14w 0d (Baby is the size of a lemon)
How is Mama doing? Feeling so much better lately. Energy is definitely back, as is my appetite. Two things that were missing for a really long time and I wondered if I'd ever want to leave my house ever again. New this week is some sciatic/nerve pain that pretty much feels like I'm being stabbed in the a$$. Good times.
Weight Gain: Since we're being perfectly honest here, I'll admit that I was +10 before I even GOT pregnant. I am going to blame this partially on going off BCP but also partially on drinking alot of wine because "I'm not going to be able to drink for a while!". That said, though, due to my severe lack of appetite/interest in eating ANYTHING during the first trimester, I'm actually still down -2. I'm ok with that. I know it will alllll come back.
Sex of the baby: [The original survey said "Gender". There is actually a difference between sex and gender. The sex refers to the reproductive parts on the baby- which is what I believe we are talking about here.] Anyway- I have no idea. I have tried to have motherly instinct but I got nothing. As (I think) is common with most couples, I'd love a baby girl and Joey would love a baby boy. So while we will be thrilled with a healthy baby, one of us will be extra thrilled ;)
Movement: Haven't felt anything yet.
Maternity Clothes? My friend/coworker gave me 2 huge bags of maternity clothes which I welcomed with open arms. My pants are starting to feel a little tight so I'm quickly running out of options for work. She gave me 3 Bella Bands which have saved my life as well as basically a whole new wardrobe. I won't have to start from scratch, THANK GOODNESS. So, with all this new stuff, I'm basically wearing a mix. I feel a little silly since I don't have a bump to speak of, but it's all about being comfortable!
Pregnancy Fitness: My original goal was to work out in some way 3 times per week. I've been doing a good job at maybe once per week. This needs to change. I have been pretty good about doing prenatal yoga, and I think I need to add a short walk/run and some light strength training.
Symptoms: As I said above, the new symptom this week is the pain in the butt. I booked myself a prenatal massage for tomorrow (too soon? I don't care) and I believe this is the literal kick in the a$$ I need to get myself moving again. Now that I have the energy, I don't have an excuse.
Belly Button: I have a belly button.
Stretchmarks? I prefer the term “zebra stripes". No new stretch marks at this time. I've been using Belli oil for a while now.
Cravings? Haven't had any cravings at all. Sometimes I'll see something on TV and go "that looks good" but I really haven't craved anything. I've been interested in sugary cereal and fruit snacks lately.
Sleep: I generally wake up to go to the bathroom and then I'm stuck awake for about 2 hours every night. This is further complicated by the fact that I'm now sleeping with a pillow in between my legs to try to help my hips.
Looking Forward To: Baby's first trip to Disney World (in utero).... in 2 weeks!
(Fun Fact: I also visited Disney World in utero.)
What I miss: Wawa turkey hoagies.
Doc/Chloe: They both are interested in snuggling up to my belly lately, but I don't know if that means they know or just that they are cold because Joey keeps the fan on at night...
Weekly wisdom: Try not to worry about everything. I had a sudden realization earlier this week while I was googling my 4th thing for the day. In the end, our bodies know what to do. We just need to fuel them properly and make sure not to do anything too crazy. Worrying won't help anything.
Aaaand since my belly hasn't changed all that much in the past 2 weeks, I'm posting the 12 week photo since I look much cuter than I do in the 14 week photo that I took this morning...
Note: You will not always get a bare belly pic so don't get too excited.
That's all for now :)
Start Spreadin' the News....
Well hello there.
I've taken a few months off from the blog because I've been busy growing a baby.
Yes, you read that correctly.
With a little bit of faith, trust and pixie dust, a new baby will be joining our family in August.
Joey and I are excited, scared, all those normal emotions. We're still getting used to the idea of a little miniature person joining us on all future Disney trips.
We decided to go public after our 12 week sonogram, which was met with a TON of well wishes, love, advice, and general awesomeness that we will never forget.
I decided to get back to the blog so I could answer some of the Frequently Asked Questions we've been getting. So here goes:
You're pregnant? Was this on purpose?
Yes. If you've ever met me you'll know that I like to plan things and write itineraries. For fun. Yes. This was planned.
OMG when are you due?
August 11th. And hopefully this baby will follow in my footsteps, as I was one of the 5% born on my actual due date. Talk about being a planner...
Have you been sick?
Don't be mad peeps, but no. I really wasn't. Exhausted? Yes. Food aversions? The worst. Barfing? Proud to say the last time I puked it was after a night of too much wine. And no, it was not during my pregnancy... This is not to say my first tri was a piece of cake. Weeks 7-9 were probably the worst.
Wait.... how far a long are you?
14 weeks today. Baby is the size of a lemon.
But I SWORE I saw you drinking at your brother's wedding/Christmas/the company holiday party/etc.
But did you....really?
Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?
Duh. ASAP.
Are you going to do weekly bumpdates?
I'd like to! Hopefully I can remember to do them every week.... First one coming right up!
Any other questions? Let me know. Also I am still taking unsolicited advice. For now.
I've taken a few months off from the blog because I've been busy growing a baby.
Yes, you read that correctly.
With a little bit of faith, trust and pixie dust, a new baby will be joining our family in August.
Joey and I are excited, scared, all those normal emotions. We're still getting used to the idea of a little miniature person joining us on all future Disney trips.
We decided to go public after our 12 week sonogram, which was met with a TON of well wishes, love, advice, and general awesomeness that we will never forget.
I decided to get back to the blog so I could answer some of the Frequently Asked Questions we've been getting. So here goes:
You're pregnant? Was this on purpose?
Yes. If you've ever met me you'll know that I like to plan things and write itineraries. For fun. Yes. This was planned.
OMG when are you due?
August 11th. And hopefully this baby will follow in my footsteps, as I was one of the 5% born on my actual due date. Talk about being a planner...
Have you been sick?
Don't be mad peeps, but no. I really wasn't. Exhausted? Yes. Food aversions? The worst. Barfing? Proud to say the last time I puked it was after a night of too much wine. And no, it was not during my pregnancy... This is not to say my first tri was a piece of cake. Weeks 7-9 were probably the worst.
Wait.... how far a long are you?
14 weeks today. Baby is the size of a lemon.
But I SWORE I saw you drinking at your brother's wedding/Christmas/the company holiday party/etc.
But did you....really?
Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?
Duh. ASAP.
Are you going to do weekly bumpdates?
I'd like to! Hopefully I can remember to do them every week.... First one coming right up!
Any other questions? Let me know. Also I am still taking unsolicited advice. For now.
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Picture of a Picture.... 12 weeks 4 days |
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