One of the newest trends right now that I'm seeing all over the internet is this
Diamond Candles thing. Basically it's an all natural soy candle that has a ring buried within the wax and you have to burn the candle to get it out! The catch is the the ring can be worth anywhere from $10-$10,000...... so obviously I decided to try it because who wouldn't want a free diamond ring in a candle??
To be perfectly clear, Joey was pretty pissed when he found out I spent 25 bucks on a candle that might have a diamond in it. I assured him we'd win the grand prize and he just sort of rolled his eyes and ignored me.
I waited, somewhat impatiently, for the big arrival. I spent some time checking out their
Facebook Page and looking at all the "reveals" and getting excited for my ring which would obviously be a huge rare yellow diamond that magically fit perfectly on my freakishly small fingers...
When the box came I ripped it open and pulled out my "Sunwashed" candle and lit it immediately.
The ring is located not too far from the top, thank goodness. So all I needed to do was wait until the wax melted enough that I could wedge it out. And so I waited. And waited. And waited.....
The gold circle is where the ring is located. |
I let the candle burn all through dinner and through a DVR'd episode of True Blood. I waited and waited and finally I decided I was done waiting and I got a spoon and there was blue wax EVERYWHERE but I pried that sucker right out.
The ring is wrapped in foil to protect it from the wax. |
I got extremely waxy while trying to remove the foil and I had to cut the plastic from around the ring.
Finally, it was time for the reveal:
Hooray!!! A plastic ring that is way too big for my finger :(
I read that if it says "14K" on the inside then you are supposed to take it to a jeweler. Welp, mine sure didn't. I was disappointed, but hey, it was pretty fun. I'd recommend giving these as a gift, as long as you can stomach accidentally giving someone a $10,000 ring.
Hope everyone is having a HAPPY HUMP DAY and that you are all as excited as I am for the Duck Dynasty season premiere tonight!!!!
Diamond Candles obviously did not compensate me for this post and all of these opinions are my own. Just in case any of you legalese people are out there!