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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cinco de.... Moving?

No no no we are not moving!! Don't worry!
This is actually my weekend recap, coming a bit late and missing a few details.

I don't really remember what we did Friday, which means we probably didn't do anything.  Dinner, maybe a beer or two, and bed.  We are old.

Saturday morning Joey went to work and I was up and at 'em to take the dogs to the vet.  Nothing is wrong with them- they just needed a booster shot and a manicure.  I also decided to get them micro-chipped, so if they ever get away and don't get hit by a vehicle or mauled by a bear, we can hopefully get them back. 

Also speaking of the dogs (yawn, I know) Joey has made some substantial updates to the back porch to keep them from killing any more sub-porch dwelling rabbits/snakes/etc. I'll have to post pictures of those updates later.

Anyhoo, getting to the point here.  After all of that went down (clean bill of health for the Pins!... well, Chloe needs her teeth brushed but that's it!) Joey came home from work and we headed north to meet up with Jess and Ryan at their new apartment for Cinco de Moving!

We used our huge muscles (ok ok Joey used his huge muscles and I used my flabby arms) to carry items from the moving truck to the elevator and from the elevator to their new place.  We got to meet Jess' entire family, including her Grandmother who was oh so sweet, and enjoyed some "Cinco de Mayo/Moving" treats while we worked.

I brought my camera to capture the fun... but this is the only picture I got.  Pretty much sums up the day, though.

This is obviously pre-moving.  When we were done there was nowhere to stand!

When we got back to Woodbridge, I went to the mini mart and got some mexican beer while Joey grilled some burgers.  We were ready to call it a lame night (AGAIN) when Jason (Joey's brother) came over and we decided to open up our backyard to Jason and his hooligan friends.  Kidding, they are not ALL hooligans ;)

We ended up playing corn hole in our backyard all night while listening to country music and chillin in the lawn chairs we bought for the Nascar race.  I'm definitely looking forward to more of these summer nights at our house.  The trees jungle really makes it secluded and though I thought we were being really loud, I guess you couldn't hear much from the street. So that was pretty cool.  I don't want to make any neighbors mad this early in the game!

Sunday we took our time waking up/cleaning up, I ran some errands and got some Popeye's for lunch, and we had dinner at the in-law's and let the dogs run off their energy from being cooped up in the bathroom the night before while we had guests. 

We had a nice, relaxing weekend and while we didn't do anything crazy, still got to enjoy each others' company and help out some really good friends.


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