Well folks, I promised I would and I avoided it and avoided it but here we are. I'm going to show pictures of our never-before-seen basement. The one that I pretend we don't have. The one that once it's finished will probably be very nice. But... that involves alot of cleaning, painting, carpeting, MONEY, etc....
So without further ado, here is the big reveal:
Welcome to my lair. Let's walk down the steps. Please be careful of staples and large nails sticking up out of this molding that's resting peacefully there on the left. (Don't worry- dogs and small children are not allowed down here.) |
Looking back up the steps. Yes, the balloons are still hiding from Chloe. Please note that when we moved in the basement was "Carpeted" with an ugly blue thing that we immediately pulled up. When we did so, we found some lovely linoleum-type floor. |
When you turn right at the bottom of the steps, you enter the "gym" (someday the "play room"). The mirrors will be on the walls and the weight bench and cardio equipment will go in here. (What cardio equipment? Um, working on that.) |
This is the main area of the basement, er, Man Cave. Yes, those are the Christmas decorations in boxes in the middle of the floor... |
Looking down the hallway... what could possibly be next?! |
This is the back bedroom, or the "In-Law Suite". Someday we might knock out the wall between this room and the gym. But for now we're going to furnish another bedroom. This one is nice- has 2 closets. A normal one and a "Cupboard under the stairs". The stuff piled up by the window? Leaves. Guess we better buy a rake... |
Hallway coming out of the bedroom, looking into the storage area laundry room. |
Turn left right before the laundry room and you'll hit another full bath. Go ahead, vomit. I did. Note the toilet and sink are missing. They have been removed because they were so gross. My next task is actually to clean this bathroom from top to bottom (with bleach) and remove the wall paper around the top of the walls. The new toilet for this room is currently in its' box in our kitchen. Nice. |
Beer Pong Laundry room/storage area. The only unfinished part of the basement. |
One more look at the Man Cave, for good measure. Check that flooring!! |
This is how I feel when I look at the basement. |
So, in summary-
1. We don't judge one another here at OhMyGish.
2. It has potential!
3. Anybody wanna come help us paint?
4. Don't expect any updates on this for quite some time. The landscaping out front is more of an issue right now, as everyone can see it. Maybe I should do a post about that... hmmm....
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