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Monday, February 2, 2015

On Routines

This morning I realized how much I've come to accept and actually *gulp* like routine.  Remember when Abby was first born how I talked about how I've never really been one for routine and I didn't like it?  I guess spending about 6 months with a baby has changed my opinion.

I realized this because today I have an appointment and am at home instead of at work.  So I got Abby up and ready at her normal time and then I figured we'd just go to daycare later this morning since I'd be around.  But after about 15 minutes I couldn't deal with it and I stuck her in the car and off we went!

So, since I haven't done one of these in a while, here is a glimpse into our current routine and schedule.  These are all approximate times and we may be off 20-30 minutes in either direction but overall I think it's pretty impressive how Abby sticks to her schedule every single day.

5AM: Abby wakes up and starts yelling for food so I go downstairs and warm up her first bottle for the day.

5:30: I get her dressed and ready and she hangs out with me in my room while I get ready for work.

6: We go downstairs and she eats some form of solid breakfast.  Rice cereal is totally out, so we eat either oatmeal, solid food, or like today a mixture of both (oatmeal with peaches).

6:30 We head out!

8AM, 11AM, 2PM: Abby's bottles at daycare

Naps: The only thing she doesn't do exactly on schedule is nap. But she does do a really good, long morning nap and then usually a couple shorter mid morning and/or afternoon naps

We pick her up sometime between 4-5

5PM: Bottle, playtime, etc.

6PM: We eat dinner and usually Abby sits in her highchair and watches intently. Then she gets her own solid dinner.

There is usually a small nap in here around 7.  During that nap I do the dishes and make her last bottle for the day and 5 bottles for the next day.

8PM: Last bottle with 2 extra ounces to help her sleep!  Then we get into our Sleepy Sack, read bedtime stories, sing lullabies and go to sleep. Ever since starting daycare (and growing out of the 4 month stage) she has been sleeping through the night again. Sometimes if she wakes up she just needs her paci stuck back in.  I know that eventually we're going to have to let her learn to put herself back to sleep when she wakes up but for now it's ok :)

On the weekends we are doing 3 meals a day of solid food and I figure when we get back from our trip she'll be 6 months and we'll start doing solids for lunch at daycare too.  I can't wait to do her 6 month update, although it will probably be late. So heads up. But the first year is incredible in terms of development.  It's crazy to watch your baby go from blob to babbling and rolling all over the place and to watch her mind work to understand and process what is going on around her.

Future Disney Princess
OK that's enough for now.... be back soon! Disney is approaching quickly!!!!!


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