-Abby got her first cold over the weekend. Friday morning we were all set to head out the door to daycare when I thought she felt warm. The thermometer read 100.6 so it was a quick dose of Tylenol and a call to the Dr. when they opened. They tested her for Flu and RSV but it's just a cold. Sick babies are sad, no fun, and need lots of cuddles which I took advantage of. As I've mentioned before, Abby doesn't like to be held "like a baby" (laying down in my arms). So I knew she was really not feeling well when she let me hold her like that. But I secretly enjoyed the heck out of it. She's on the mend, although everything has run down into her chest so we're paying close attention to her cough. Poor thing :(
-Abby has generously shared her cold with me. And Joey isn't too far behind. Although adults can take things like Dayquil/Nyquil and know how to blow our noses and such.
-This past weekend my sister was in town from Florida, so we trekked up to PA to see her and the fam. I really enjoy sharing Abby with my family. We are scheduled for another trip up to PA for a memorial service this coming weekend. I'm really hoping the weather doesn't ruin our plans. We are supposed to get a snow storm of some sort.
Abby and Aunt Laura, who randomly is wearing the same shirt I'm wearing in the above picture. |
-Running. The running blog is all but dead, so I don't want to post over there but a quick update on how training is going for the half marathon in march. It's going! I'm doing run-walk-run intervals of 2:2. I can definitely step it back up to 2:1 at this point but my laziness is getting the better of me. I read an article about how muscle memory exists in runners that haven't run for a long time. I didn't believe it but after almost 3 weeks I can tell you my body seems to remember it and it feels a lot better than it did when I first started back. I had a fairly easy 3 mile run over the weekend. And by "easy" I mean I wasn't dying like I was at the Rocky Run 5K in November.
Yep. This happened. And it was like 20 degrees and FREEZING hence my ridic outfit. |
-Bananas. Our newest adventure in solid foods. These were a pretty big hit. Note to mamas out there- when your baby tries new food don't be alarmed if their diaper contents change color...(gross but true).
That Mom posting gross pics of goo in baby's mouth |
That Mom posting repeat pics of the same thing |
OH look she's smiling. Warrants another pic. |
-Babywearing. I really like the baby K'Tan so far. Here's a pic of us modeling over the weekend. Please ignore the heaps of clothing on the bed behind us that I tried to crop out. I was having fun (or not) trying on spring/summer clothes and bathing suits for our trip. Some of it fits, some of it doesn't.
-If my sorority taught me anything it's always end on a positive note! So here's a cute pic for ya:
Happy Thursday!
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