Yikes! This is a little late. Welp, get used to it :)
One-quarter of a year old already! Goodness. My little sugarplum is just blossoming. She's definitely not a blob anymore and far from it. She's interactive, cute, fun, and easy going. We are so lucky.
Some happenings in our third month:
-I wrapped up breast feeding and we're currently supplementing our stash of frozen milk with formula (I have a post written on this and will publish eventually)
-Abby started rolling onto her side, making all kinds of noises, holding onto objects, etc.
-Mom and Dad went out to a bar (WOO!)
-We also went to a cute little pumpkin patch to pick up our Halloween pumpkins
-Abby attended her first wedding (and I freaked out because it was outside and BEES)
-Abby's first Halloween!
-She really started taking an interest in the TV...
-She also took an interest in her Taggie blanket
-Abby voted! (OK not really but she went with me to the polls)
-Mom broke the stroller (and Dad fixed it)
-Mom went back to work :(
-Daddy Daycare commenced (as did activities such as "Abby-zilla" and listening to Disney Christmas music)
How many months? Threeeee! (14 weeks old today)
Recent Stats? No recent appointments. I'll chunk her on the scale and let you know. (But I'm going to post this without stats because otherwise she will be 4 months and this will still be a draft.)
Mmmm HANDS |
Clothes Size? We are following all the rules and wearing 3 month size. She's grown out of most-all of the 0-3 stuff. It's SO SAD to put away clothes that don't fit.
Holding her fave blue monkey by the tail |
Diaper Size? Fitting comfortably in Pampers size 1.
Loungin' |
Feeding? Like I said above, there is a complete back story to this, but we're supplementing frozen breast milk with formula and I'm officially not breast feeding anymore. Abby could care less what's in the bottle or the fact that it is a bottle. This made my decision easier to handle. It was very sad but I had to do what I needed to do.
Sleeping? Every day I think about how lucky we are. Every day I know that it can and WILL change. So each night that she sleeps 8+ hours I just enjoy it. Abby takes her last bottle around ~7:30pm and then will fall asleep around 8:30-9. And she sleeps until 5-6am. It's a beautiful thing.
It was all good til she kicked Doc in the butt. |
Personality? We're still getting to know her. She is very easy going, easy to please and soothe, and is a generally happy baby. She is a little head strong, though, and when she wants something (like to sit straight up, for example) she makes sure she gets it. Future President of the USA? I'm calling it now.
Vote for me! |
Grabs and swipes at dangling toys
Follows moving objects/people with her eyes
Recognizes familiar objects/people/the dogs
Pushes down on legs ("stands up")
Can hold her head up when laying on stomach with some help getting into the position. She's really not into tummy time. At all.
Brings hands (and everything in them) to her mouth. Sometimes brings mouth to hand. This is funny to watch.
Super smiley, chatty, gurgles/gargles/etc. Has started working on some consonants such as "B" and "M". Haven't heard any "D" yet.
Rolls from back to side
Also a note about the milestones, I'm just keeping track of them for future reference. It is not a comprehensive list and I will probably forget things.
See you later, alligators!