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Monday, April 14, 2014

23 Weeks!

Whew! It's Monday again! I was just thinking how convenient it is that my weeks start on Mondays.  For those that don't know how that works, pregnancy is calculated based on the first day of your last period.  So everyone's "weeks" start on random days.  I just got lucky that mine start on Mondays because it's the beginning of the week and I can do a recap of my weekend in one fell swoop.

Something else that is interesting to note is that pregnancy is 10 months long, not 9 months. I don't even know where that came from, since 40 weeks is clearly 10 months.  So, when I tell you I'm headed into my 6th month already, don't freak out!

Anyway, we had a WONDERFUL weekend.  It started out with temps in the 80s on Friday. We left work early and sat outside with music on and I drank sparkling apple-peach juice out of a wine glass and it was awesome. Then we had dinner with some friends and they gave us some baby things!  Saturday we went to Lowe's in the morning before we headed to the day care open house. It went well and was a definite contender. It was also super nice outside and since I actually did my hair and makeup to go to the open house I made Joey do a mini photo shoot with the cherry blossoms in our front yard.... pics to come later this week! Saturday afternoon, Joey went to play golf with his buddies and A Love and I painted the baby's room! More to come on that as well, but it looks soooo good!  Sunday morning, Joey had a 10 mile race so we spent the morning outside by the Potomac River and then walked around Old Town Alexandria for a while.

Date: April 14, 2014

How far along? 23w (Baby weighs as much as a large mango)

 How is Mama doing? Doing great. This weather really raises my spirits. I think if we lived in Florida I would be a much happier person. Someday.....

Weight Gain: I'm about ready to just delete this entire section. I'm tired of answering this question every week and I'm tired of getting on the scale and seeing no weight gain. Or weight loss, as is the situation this week. I know that the baby is healthy and I'm probably losing weight because I'm not drinking booze all the time and I'm eating a healthy dose of veggies and fruits.  I think this question is just making me crazy and I'm going to take it out at least for a little while. <end rant>

Movement: Pretty sure she's practicing for her future tour with Cirque du Soliel. 

Maternity Clothes? I think I prefer to wear tighter shirts/stuff because it accents the belly instead of hides it.  Flowy clothes make me feel like a whale.  Just some thoughts from the peanut gallery.

Pregnancy Fitness:  Beautiful weather this past week as well!! I got in a workout with Gabrielle Reece, who is pretty much the complete opposite of Denise Austin, as well as a walk with Chloe and also the nice long walk around Alexandria on Sunday. 

Symptoms: Nothing new to report this week.  An old one I keep forgetting to write about- body temperature. Everything I've read says I'm going to be hotter than usual. Except I've always been freezing cold.  We had to buy a space heater this winter to put by my bed! I think a big part of it is that pregnant women end up with more blood volume, which lowers their blood pressure. If you inherited ridiculously low blood pressure from your Mom like I did, that means you are cold all the time!

Belly Button: Innie, although looking larger these days, prob because it's getting pulled a little bit on the sides!

Stretchmarks?  Still oiling up and praying for a miracle!

Nutrition/Cravings? Did well eating-wise this past week, although I enjoyed a lot of bad things this weekend.  Made a pan of brownies on Saturday and it looks like two people have been eating on it instead of just one... 

Sunday it was just plain hot out and after our 2nd trip to Lowes for the weekend I decided that Rita's water ice would taste delicious  (italian ice for your weirdos).  I haven't eaten that since like 12th grade. It was just as amazing as I remembered and my mouth was bright red for the rest of the day.

Sleep: Same old same old. Since I'm not using it, Doc commandeered the body pillow and made a fort out of it and the curtains.

Looking Forward To:  I'm getting my hair did this weekend!!! I think it will help me feel better about how I look and I'm definitely excited about that!

What I miss:  I realized I'm going to miss out on crabs and old bay this summer.  They are just coming into season and I'm realizing I won't be able to partake. That sucks :(

Doc/Chloe: Nothing new. They were confused about the painting and new furniture. Chloe has also adorably started asking for walks.  Well, running over and nosing the leash and standing expectantly by the door, anyway. But I think it's cute.

23 Week Pic:
If you catch me from the front, I still look like I could have eaten a large breakfast. Side pics are the only way you can really see the bump!

Also I don't know if they still make static guard but I need some today :(


  1. You look so cute!! These middle weeks were always my favorite. :) Why can't you partake in crabs and old bay?! There are so many crazy "pregnancy rules" out there, I don't think I've heard that one!

    1. Thank you!!! Ummm I don't know, I guess I thought I couldn't because they are sea food and might not be cooked correctly?? or something... maybe not... I've been so paranoid about everything I eat. I'll add that to the list to ask the Dr next time and report back! :)

  2. So, pregnancy is technically 9 months + 1 week. If you look at your due date and LMP, they are exactly 9 months and 1 week apart. The confusion is that 4 weeks is not a month (except in February), 4.333 weeks is one month (52 weeks/12 months). Also, conception occurs on week 2 of pregnancy, making the due date actually slightly less than the 9 month mark. :)

    1. So what you're saying is... I SHOULD be freaking out!!! ;)
