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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's a.......

If you know me at all you know there will be a long winded story before any information is revealed. If you somehow missed the gigantic announcement on Facebook and/or Instagram, go ahead and scroll down a little bit now.

OK! Now that we got that out of the way, here is how we came to find out the sex of our baby.

The day before we left for our Disney trip, I was 15 weeks 4 days pregnant.  We'd decided to do an elective ultrasound at a private business to see if we could find out what we're having.  I followed directions and drank some orange juice on the way down I-95. Also,  I was SO NERVOUS.  I was more nervous than I am for the dentist office and flying in an airplane...combined. 

We got to Sneek-a-Peek early, but we were able to be seen thank goodness!  And wouldn't you know... Baby Gish was sleeping and did NOT want to move.  I have since learned that a) morning appointments are better and b) Pepsi works better than OJ. 

After some poking, prodding, jumping jacks, a trip to the bathroom, and laying on my side, we FINALLY got the baby to flip over.  And I'll be honest with you when I tell you it looked like a giant blob and I have NO idea how u/s techs are able to see ANYTHING.

It was only a quick glimpse, but our tech Keri said she thought she knew what it was and wanted to try to get another look.  We were on pins and needles. My heart was racing.  After a really long time, she explained that she thought she knew what it was and asked if we would trust her because we really only got one good picture.  Joey said "You're killing me, what is it?!".  And she smiled and said...

"It's a girl!"

My reaction was pretty funny, of course I burst into tears and clamped my hand over my mouth. I wanted a girl so badly and I was so sure it was going to be a boy!  My next reaction was to look at Joey and say "I'm sorry!". Hahaha.  Keri then went on to show us examples of girls and boys from other ultrasounds, and showed us on ours where the anatomy was.  Our appointment had gone WAY over the 20 alotted minutes and I was so shocked when she told us to come back after our trip (for free) so we could get more pictures.  It goes without saying that I would highly recommend this business to anyone in NOVA or beyond.  She rocks.

By this time we'd decided against a "reveal" party.  Neither of us deal well with suspense and Joey was not wild about my "Pirate or Princess?" Party idea..... (major bummer.) (He also didn't like the idea of tying blue or pink balloons to the Min Pins and sending them running through the crowd...)  So we got on the phone and called our family and a few friends.

Then we spent an awesome week in Disney where I accidentally bought a lot of pink baby stuff.

The following week, I was 16 weeks 4 days pregnant when I went back to Keri for a morning appointment, after downing half a can of Pepsi.  Evidently this did the trick, because the first picture we have from that day was the crotch.  I asked her if it was still a girl because I'd bought a lot of Disney Princess attire.  And sure enough, it was still a girl!

After this, I was super excited to have confirmation (because of course u/s techs can be wrong).  So we called some more friends but decided we'd wait until the 20 week ultrasound JUST IN CASE.

Everything was fine until about a week beforehand when I started to worry again.  What if it was all wrong? What if it is really a boy? What will I do with all this girly stuff?

Week 20 arrived and I found myself again on the table with a wand on my belly.  I told the tech we'd been told the sex already but we wanted to confirm.  We got a great shot of the crotch again (more Pepsi...) and he asked me if we'd been told it was a girl.... because it is!

That was good enough for me.  I think it's pretty safe to say that it's officially a GIRL!

Also, for those that are wondering, of course Joey wanted a boy (what guy doesn't?).  But he is in no way disappointed, and actually told me that he had a feeling it was a girl all along.  He joked that I am on the hook for a 2nd, but I told him let's see how this one goes first ;)

Next up: Nursery Ideas, Names, and my 20 week update :)


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