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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Not Another Pin Pic. I Promise.

I like to save these surveys for a rainy day. Or a day when all I have are dog photos cause I was alone all weekend and therefore starved for content.

So, instead of more dog pictures, you get this. A survey I borrowed from a couple blogs I read (Thanks Heather and Bethany!). Enjoy!

A is for age.  27.  Other than the fact that I hate odd numbers, it’s not so bad.

B is for breakfast today.  Coffee with French Vanilla creamer, and a cinnamon raisin bagel toasted with ample cream cheese.

C is for current craving.  Avocados.  My friend Laura made this recipe last weekend, and I ate it UP.

D is for dinner tonight.  Chicken Casserole and Mashed potatoes. Don’t think I’m some miracle worker.....look on the back of the Stovetop Stuffing box.

E is for favorite type of exercise.  Dance.  Because to me, it doesn’t feel like work.

F is for irrational fear.  I have irrational fears about everything from airplanes falling out of the sky to a crazed murderer breaking into my house at night.  I think it’s what makes me, me.

G is for gross food.  Dinner Sunday night. It was a soft taco casserole kit and I felt so sick after eating it that I still can’t even think about it.

H is for hometown.  Paoli PA

I is for something important.  Family.  Friends will come and go, but your family will be there forever (whether you like it or not!) ;)

J is for current jam.  “Without You” by David Guetta/Feat. Usher

K is for Kids. You know my thoughts on this ;)

L is for current location.  Woodbridge, VA.  (I do not live in the ghetto. A rant for another day…)

M is for the most recent way you spent money.  Paid our mortgage.  Oh sorry, were you looking for something more exciting??

N is for something you need.  An oil change.  Well, my car needs one.

O is for occupation.  Analyst. I wear many hats and I like it that way. I meet lots of people and have interesting experiences. I also work for a pretty awesome company.

P is for pet peeve.  I’ve spoken of this in the past. Dancers/Cheerleaders that don’t take the hair ties off their wrists before performing.  Is that part of the uniform? I don’t think so.

Q is for quote. Got a bunch of crap for putting this one on my bio once….
“There are big ships and small ships, but the best ship of all is FRIENDSHIP!”

R is for random fact about you.  When I was little, I used to turn on music and choreograph dances for my My Little Ponies. 

S is for favorite healthy snack.  Healthy? Umm… 

T is for favorite treat.  A Pineapple Dole Whip sounds delicious right now.  (Google it)

U is for something that makes you unique.  I’d say my purple nail polish with pink glitter is pretty unique at the moment ;)

V is for favorite vegetable.  Is Avocado a vegetable?

W is for today’s workout.  It’s Tuesday so normally I’d say dance class. But the studio is closed for spring break, so we’ll be running again tonight.

X is for x-rays you’ve had.   Dental. A lot.

Y is for yesterday’s highlight.  I made breaded chicken and didn’t burn it!!!!!!

Z is for your time zone.  Eastern Daylight Time.  Thank goodness for that.



  1. I have that pet peeve too! We actually lost points at a competition once because we had a cheerleader who had a hair tie on her wrist.

    1. Probably from a judge like me ;) I always comment about stuff like that. Maybe it's mean but it's easy to fix, so why not fix it??

  2. We still have those ponies, too! You & Laura can fight over who gets them....
