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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Memory Lane

Lately we've been having alot of those beautiful late-summer days that still have that feeling of Summer warmth but also have the awesome foreshadowing of Fall in the air.  Fall is my FAVORITE season. Maybe that's why I got married in the Fall? [Or maybe it was because Joey sweats a lot and didn't want a hot, summer wedding...]

Anyway it has me thinking back to this time several years ago, when I was moving back into the dorms at George Mason University, getting ready for classes, sorority recruitment, and already practicing several times a week for dance team.  I remember moving back into the dorms after summer break was always so exciting. It was fun to reconnect with friends I hadn't seen all summer, catch up on the gossip, and compare class schedules.

The first few parties of the year were always the best, for several reasons:

1. Everyone was so glad to get out of their parents' house FINALLY

2. Classes hadn't started yet so there was no homework to be done

3. Sorority and Fraternity Recruitment (read: Girls hitting on girls and guys hitting on guys)

4. The cops have had the summer off and may have forgotten the Frat houses for now (and/or the frat houses may have moved to new locations so as to fly under the radar for a few weeks)

And so the natty light would flow like water and the sorority girls would wear "cute" outfits and matching tee shirts that we look back on now and roll our eyes thinking "WHAT the H was I wearing?!"

So as I'm sitting here thinking about all this I guess my "message" here is to all those college kids that may or may not read my blog (I know of at least ONE). 

Don't rush college away.  Enjoy every second of it, because the moment you find yourself at a desk instead of moving the freshmen into the dorm and picking out your "rush crush", you will miss it.  Even if you think you will never miss staying up until 3am writing papers and making sorority crap, you will.  So enjoy it while you can.  And while you are doing shotguns and funnels on the porch hiding from your sorority sisters who might tattle on you for not being “classy”, just think of me in an office sadly thinking about the old days.  So go ahead, live it up! I give you permission. Do that shotgun!

An old picture. Can you believe I went out in PUBLIC looking like that?!



1 comment:

  1. T.M.I. And, there are probably lots of fun things college kids can do that DON'T involve alcohol. I challenge alll the college kids reading this blog to find them!
